8 Eating Habits That Are Time to Get Rid of
1. Consume “diet” foods Be aware of what are actually products that are written “low-fat”, “low-calorie” and other newfangled “benefits”. Think about how healthy all of these foods can be with a generally long shelf life? For example, "diet" frozen lunches. Avoid them, because such products are likely to be not only of little use, but also of little nutrition. So, soon you will want to eat more and more, and in fact you will eat not less, but more than expected. Remember: when digesting natural food, not semi-finished products, your body consumes 50% more calories.
2. Don’t listen to your stomach just because you see food. Many of us can say that as a child there was a rule: after dinner, nothing should remain on the plate. And this habit persists into adulthood. However, following it is not only not necessary, but also harmful! Listen to yourself while eating and interrupt when you feel full, not when you have a licked plate.
3. worship
There is nothing so harmful in meat that it is categorically rejected. But to make meat products cult and the basis of your diet is also not worth it. Meat contains the necessary vitamins and minerals, but at the same time more fats and calories than fruits and vegetables with the same content of vitamins and minerals. Think of meat as a side dish, not as a major part of your diet. Let the meat on your plate be half that of other foods in your diet.
4. This “sin” all of us: pounce on food directly from the store packaging or from containers for storing cooked dishes. However, we need to get rid of this habit, because when we eat from the package, we tend to eat much more than when we put food on plates. Don't you? Try measuring the portions and comparing them. You will make sure that food from the packaging inevitably leads to overeating.
5. Watch to take small breaks when absorbing food - literally sometimes lower your appliances on the table. Your brain and stomach can’t keep up with your mouth when you eat too fast. You've been saturated for 20 minutes, and the brain is only getting the signal right now. During these 20 minutes, you kept filling your stomach with extra food. Try eating more slowly by putting a fork or spoon near the plate when chewing the previous serving. You can also try slowing down the rate of chewing — at least 15-20 times per piece of food.
6. Do not be afraid of fats more than they deserve. There are many foods with healthy fats – for example, avocados, olive and coconut oil, nuts. These fats are absolutely necessary for a truly healthy diet. Such products will not only add flavor to your dishes, but also make you feel fuller. Vegetable fats satisfy appetite and at the same time improve metabolism. So next time you want to grab a snack, grab a handful of nuts.
7. If you are distracted while eating, this is a guaranteed path to overeating. When people try to eat at the same time and look at the monitor or do something else, they do not notice how much they ate over the norm - 30% more or 50% more? At the same time, it is also impossible to accurately assess whether you are full or not. Your brain is busy with a lot of things! So it turns out that those who eat in parallel with other activities end up consuming much more calories than those who eat without distraction.
8. Keeping junk food in sight
You probably already know that sweets and fatty foods are addictive and addictive - about the same as narcotic and psychotropic substances. The physical and chemical mechanisms are the same. Why do you keep tempting yourself? It is proved that if you keep candy in a transparent container at work, then they are eaten by 71% more than when sweets are stored in an opaque box. You do not need to give up sweets completely, but it is better to hide it from your eyes. Keep healthy, natural food at eye level and in the center of the refrigerator or pantry. And put unhealthy stuff far away and put in opaque containers not conspicuous flowers. With this trick, you may not even remember how you could not do without something from this inconspicuous container. published
Source: fitfixed.com