Healing ointment soap

I will not argue, in our pharmacies is a lot of variety of drugs and yet not forget the old time-tested grandmother's recipes. Here's an example of an ointment of soap, which is very effective for pustular inflammatory skin diseases, acne, boils, carbuncles and other boils.
So, what we will need:
Soap — 50 g
Beeswax — 10 g
Honey — 2 tbsp
Propolis — 10 g
Mummy — 2 g
Vegetable oil (sunflower or linseed) — 7-10 g.
Soap should be the same, dark and with a specific smell, well, you know....
As ointments I need a little bit, I'm going to do half dose.
First you need to grate soap and cook water bath. Melt soap with propolis and wax and honey, it is better to do under the hood. At the same time, in warm oil-SOLV tablets Shilajit and mix with the molten mass. The ointment while warm put it in well washed containers. Store it at room temperature.
How to use: to prevent inflammation of the layer of ointment, cover with plastic wrap and secure with tape. Usually overnight, the boil must ripen and break. For 3-4 days there comes a full recovery. Common acne can simply lubricate the ointment as often as possible.
Important! Do not apply this ointment on open sores
The second option ointment boils, it is easier, even cooking does not need anything — in equal parts mix soap, sugar and grated onion. Some insist that a bow is better to take baked. About it can not say anything, did not check. Ointment evening is laid out on the boil and is fixed, by morning the wound is almost cleared.
Now let's talk about clean and fresh skin. There are a variety of modern ways to give the skin a healthy appearance and glow and they, undoubtedly, remarkable. Chemical peels, ultrasonic face cleaning, vacuum cleaning — today, you can choose whatever you want, but if you are a fan of salon treatments you can look after the skin and at home. And of course with the help of soap!
For example, a cleanser for acne. Grate a tablespoon of soap, add a little water and a shaving brush whisk to a froth, we add here a tablespoon of fine salt and mix well. This mixture is applied to washed face and leave for half an hour — if it will suffer, of course, because pinching will be unmerciful! Wash first with hot and then cold water. Repeat procedure as required.
And don't forget about the recipe of miracle home peeling — apply to wet the skin layer of whipped foam of soap, wetted cotton swab 5% or 10% solution of calcium chloride (well, what would get at the pharmacy) and wipe his face along the massage lines. Very good clean soiled, greasy and flaky skin. But this option can only be used if the skin is not pustules. The effect is super smooth and clean face is awesome! published
Source: vk.com/feed?w=wall-6200377_205691