The unique properties of soap: 11 Secrets of unusual applications.
Once the house each family has always been brusochek soap. But it is not only used for washing. If you still do not have this wonderful tool, then we recommend to buy, as it costs a penny, and the ways of its application can be found very much. Take these tips into service, which have already been tested a whole generation of people.
1. If you want to have long and thick hair or to get rid of dandruff, what better way than a soap, you will not find. Please use the shampoo and then wash your head with soap. After rinse with water with a few drops of vinegar. This method is more suitable for owners of oily hair type.
2. In order to avoid any irritation of sensitive skin after depilation, lathered this soap desired area.
3. wash with soap 2 times a week for skin rejuvenation. After necessarily applied to the face common baby cream. The effect of such washings stunning.
4. The Council for the fans baths. Wash in a steam room with birch twigs soaked in a solution of soap, perfectly cleanses the skin.
5. Soap save from cold, if you start treatment when the first symptoms. Do soapy water, dip a cotton swab in it and treated sinuses.
6. It's a great tool helps stop fungal diseases. Wash the affected area with a brush soap, after which the treated skin with iodine.
7. It is recommended to handle the toothbrush with a solution of soap and leave for the night. With this method you disinfect it.
8. To remove the swelling and bruising kindle this miracle soap in water and sodium skin. We perform the procedure a couple of times a day.
9. In order to get rid of boils. Mix in a ratio of 1: 1 grated onion, soap and sugar. Impose this ointment at bedtime for an abscess and bandage.
10. From the cracks on the heels do bath of 2 liters of hot water, 1 ch. L. soda and 1 tbsp. l. grated soap.
11. sunburn smear the affected area and let soap dry. This will help you avoid possible redness and blistering burn.
It would seem that such conventional means as laundry soap, and can be so helpful.
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1. If you want to have long and thick hair or to get rid of dandruff, what better way than a soap, you will not find. Please use the shampoo and then wash your head with soap. After rinse with water with a few drops of vinegar. This method is more suitable for owners of oily hair type.
2. In order to avoid any irritation of sensitive skin after depilation, lathered this soap desired area.
3. wash with soap 2 times a week for skin rejuvenation. After necessarily applied to the face common baby cream. The effect of such washings stunning.
4. The Council for the fans baths. Wash in a steam room with birch twigs soaked in a solution of soap, perfectly cleanses the skin.
5. Soap save from cold, if you start treatment when the first symptoms. Do soapy water, dip a cotton swab in it and treated sinuses.
6. It's a great tool helps stop fungal diseases. Wash the affected area with a brush soap, after which the treated skin with iodine.
7. It is recommended to handle the toothbrush with a solution of soap and leave for the night. With this method you disinfect it.
8. To remove the swelling and bruising kindle this miracle soap in water and sodium skin. We perform the procedure a couple of times a day.
9. In order to get rid of boils. Mix in a ratio of 1: 1 grated onion, soap and sugar. Impose this ointment at bedtime for an abscess and bandage.
10. From the cracks on the heels do bath of 2 liters of hot water, 1 ch. L. soda and 1 tbsp. l. grated soap.
11. sunburn smear the affected area and let soap dry. This will help you avoid possible redness and blistering burn.
It would seem that such conventional means as laundry soap, and can be so helpful.
Share with your friends use these secrets of soap!
via takprosto cc
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