Natural first aid kit with your own hands

How to be surovym and treated natural lekarstvami read many. Now go to primeneniyu practical knowledge!
In April harvested:
Birch — buds.They are collected when there are no leaves, but the buds are already swollen. It was at this time they include a lot of nutrients. Buds you can collect in March, but we have not to go into the woods, a lot of snow.
Birch buds are harvested along with the twigs, dry and only then remove them with dry branches.
Kidney used in diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, as a diuretic. The same broad use of birch buds as a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic, antibacterial, expectorant, sedative. Externally used for skin diseases, burns, wounds. Also promotes hair growth, ie they will use during the hair loss.
Pine — buds. It is also time to gather in April. Harvested when the scales are tightly appressed to the kidney. Prepare decoctions, tinctures, which are used in such diseases — bronchitis, pneumonia, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, externally used for baths in diseases of the nervous system. In the form of inhalation for colds, diseases of the throat
What other herbs collect in April?
The cranberries — sheets. The leaves are harvested from April to mid-may, because at this time they contain the largest number of medicinal substances. Dried in a dry well-ventilated area.
Infusions and decoctions of cowberry sheet useful for diabetics, as it has the property to reduce sugar level in blood. Anti-inflammatory effect of leaves of bilberry used in the treatment of arthritis, osteohondroze, rheumatism, diseases of the stomach. Due to its composition, lingonberry leaves have diuretic, antiseptic, antimicrobial properties. They are also used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory, tonic, wound healing, sedative.
Infusion of leaves of bilberry have been successfully used as antiviral drug, as the drugs based on them contribute to the destruction of the herpes viruses and flu, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.
Oak — bark. The bark is harvested from young trees, before the leaves.
The bark is used for many diseases — burns, excessive sweating, when the disease of the gums, oral mucosa, disorders of the stomach, rickets, scrofula, dysentery and many more diseases.
In April and gather these herbs:
elecampane (roots), viburnum (bark), bearberry (leaves), black poplar (kidney), male fern (rhizome), buckthorn (bark), cinquefoil (rhizome), Highlander snake (rhizome).
Author: Marina Vasilyeva
Source: www.pervorod.ru/blogs/eto-interesno