How to improve lawn in the spring

How to improve lawn in the spring. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
In the spring, after the snow melts, the lawn doesn't look good. Turn it to the emerald carpet special measures, among which the fertilization complex fertilizer, combing, aeroasia.
Landscape design an important place is given to the lawn. If it is yellow, with weeds, bare spots, then this type of their offspring will depress the host. The grass is pleasing to the eye, measures for beautification of the land need to start in the spring.
When the soil begins to thaw, it is undesirable to walk on this land. The ground is still too soft and can be compressed, adversely affect the growth of grass. If you need to go, make the flooring of wide boards and go for it.
When the snow is gone, it's time to make a spring fertilizer, but first you need to make combing. It will help to remove the old grass, debris, dried and compacted plant remains. Do it like a rake. The ordinary fan can not cope with this task. If the lawn area is large, it is advisable to use a special technique. Electric articulator equipped with a hard wire gromenkoi will not only remove all unnecessary, but will podrujit the soil necessary for grass. Because of the winter the ground is compacted, and if the oxygen isn't getting to the grass roots, it will grow poorly or even stop.

You need to take the fertilizer, where nitrogen dominates, it will help the grass faster Sokolovtsi. You can make the dressing by mixing urea, double superphosphate and potassium carbonate in the ratio of 2:1:1, but it is better to take a ready-made fertilizer "Kemira".
If on the lawn in addition to grass, weeds are growing, to get rid of them. On a small area and do it manually. If the area with extensive ornamental grass, use a herbicide spot treatment. They affect plants selectively and will not damage the grass cover. It is necessary to put the product on a particular weed, soon it'll turn yellow, wither, then such plants can be collected with a rake.

The next step is aeroasia. If you have had combing to do with the help of vesiculate with gromenkoi and twisted rake, after they walk around the herbal plantation fan with a rake. You then need to do a lot of punctures forks, lowering their teeth to a depth of 7-10 cm, Then roots will start to receive oxygen.
Now we should see whether all the grass started to grow. If there are bald spots, you fill them out. For this Paraclete the area with a rake, sprinkle some sand, mix it with the soil. Fell ill seal this place with logs (for small areas) or a lawn roller (covered area). After that the soil shed, evenly and thickly strewed grass seeds.
In the middle of the lawn can be planted single or group of perennial plants, lined them with stone. This decoration will also help to Refine and execute the decoration of the suburban area in this place.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: domashniy.ru/