Robot Valet: another profession under threat?

Few would argue with the fact that in the near future some jobs and occupations will be under threat of extinction thanks to the increasing by leaps and bounds in robotic field. Today, for example, some complex processes in various factories fully vested on the iron shoulders no less complex robotic systems.
However, conventional profession may soon disappear. Take the Valet Parking, the competition which will soon be able to make tiny robots such as those developed by the European group especially for the International conference of robotics and automation (ICRA2015), which will be held from 26 to 30 may in the American city of Seattle. And if you judge the potential of this development, these kids will be able to more efficiently complete the task of Parking and even deal with such cases when the person the Valet may be powerless.
The developed robots are able to move cars weighing up to two tons. These tiny machines and their main "landing base" are called Avert, short for "Autonomous Multi-Robot System for Vehicle Extraction and Transportation" (Autonomous robotic system for transportation vehicles).
Already judging from the title becomes clear that the system requires very minimal human intervention. First, it scans the area and looking for potential obstacles that may come in the way of robots. Then, the main transport base planted a small robot that independently approach the vehicle and start transport.
Here, however, it should be noted that, despite all the beauty and opportunities in difficult Parking conditions, these robots were developed specifically for the law enforcement agencies. The official site reports that the Avert system can be designed to aid the police in the transportation of suspicious vehicles parked near buildings and other crowded public places, and further check for explosives.
The development of the system conducted in 2012, and mass production of Autonomous transport systems, could begin in 2016. Now the creators of Avert are frequent guests of various robotic exhibitions and preparing for the above conference ICRA2015. published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: hi-news.ru