The liriodendron is a magnificent exotic may
On the southern coast of Crimea begins its bloom of the liriodendron, or Tulip chulanovsky is an interesting tree with lyrate leaves and flowers of a Tulip. He hails from North America, from the Magnolia family.
Liriodendron were widespread in the Cretaceous period, almost 100 million years ago in Eurasia, reaching latitudes of Kiev and Novosibirsk. In the culture in Russia Tulip tree from 1813; these exotic plants were brought in Nikitsky Botanical gardens the first Director of the Christian Khristianovich Steven. At present, however, in the arboretum of the Garden, the old trees have not survived, because on the southern coast of the Crimea because of the dryness of the soil and the high content of lime in it trees of liriodendron is not durable.
In recent years, more and more gardeners want to have the liriodendron in their yard. It is especially popular not only in southern regions of Russia (including forest-steppe part of the Crimea (more humid places), southern Crimea (Neizvestnaya wet soil), but also in Ukraine: Transcarpathian, Carpathian, Western and South-Western parts, where it is in the green building industry in these regions is rightfully his "Royal place".
In Greek the liriodendron means:leirion Lily and dendron is a tree. In the genus 2 species: liriodendron Tulip from North America and L. Chinese from China, Vietnam; in culture, the most common the first.
The liriodendron Tulip (Liriodendron tulipifera) is a deciduous tree up to 30 m, diameter broad or rounded-shatrovidny crown reaches 15 m. the Trunk is exceptionally straight to the top with light gray smooth bark, with age appear shallow longitudinal fissures. Leaves 4-6-lobed, unusual lyre form with emarginate apex, length 14-15 cm, with long petioles.
Flowers at the ends of branches toolpanebody, solitary, large, with a diameter of 6 cm, the sepals greenish, fold-down, petals yellowish-green with an orange base, slightly fragrant; bloom in may-June after the full leafy. The fruit is a complex spiral mnohohrishny; ripe in October.
The liriodendron begins to bloom from 8-15 years of age. After 10 years of this growing breed. Does not tolerate transplantation in adults. Young seedlings up to 1.5 m it is better to plant in the spring before Bud break. Pruning consists of removing the thickening and overlapping of the shoots in early spring when the plants are at rest, to preserve the typical habitus (appearance) of the tree. At a young age, pruning is well tolerated.
Relatively cold-resistant: can withstand short periods of temperatures down to -25-30ºS. With age, the ability to endure harsh winters increases. Demanding to light, humidity and soil: does not tolerate an excess of lime, grows well in moist humus-rich soils. Forms well developed root system with a strong taproot, so wind-resistant and durable, lives up to 400-500 years. Resistant to pests and diseases.
The liriodendron is used in soliternyh and group plantings, where he is the soloist due to its size and the beauty of the crown.
He exquisitely ornamental in alleys and ordinary crop. Especially decorative during flowering its exotic flowers and in autumn when the leaves turn a bright Golden color.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.7dach.ru

Liriodendron were widespread in the Cretaceous period, almost 100 million years ago in Eurasia, reaching latitudes of Kiev and Novosibirsk. In the culture in Russia Tulip tree from 1813; these exotic plants were brought in Nikitsky Botanical gardens the first Director of the Christian Khristianovich Steven. At present, however, in the arboretum of the Garden, the old trees have not survived, because on the southern coast of the Crimea because of the dryness of the soil and the high content of lime in it trees of liriodendron is not durable.
In recent years, more and more gardeners want to have the liriodendron in their yard. It is especially popular not only in southern regions of Russia (including forest-steppe part of the Crimea (more humid places), southern Crimea (Neizvestnaya wet soil), but also in Ukraine: Transcarpathian, Carpathian, Western and South-Western parts, where it is in the green building industry in these regions is rightfully his "Royal place".

In Greek the liriodendron means:leirion Lily and dendron is a tree. In the genus 2 species: liriodendron Tulip from North America and L. Chinese from China, Vietnam; in culture, the most common the first.

The liriodendron Tulip (Liriodendron tulipifera) is a deciduous tree up to 30 m, diameter broad or rounded-shatrovidny crown reaches 15 m. the Trunk is exceptionally straight to the top with light gray smooth bark, with age appear shallow longitudinal fissures. Leaves 4-6-lobed, unusual lyre form with emarginate apex, length 14-15 cm, with long petioles.
Flowers at the ends of branches toolpanebody, solitary, large, with a diameter of 6 cm, the sepals greenish, fold-down, petals yellowish-green with an orange base, slightly fragrant; bloom in may-June after the full leafy. The fruit is a complex spiral mnohohrishny; ripe in October.
- 'Aureomarginata' (height 20 m, crown diameter of up to 10 m, leaves with a wide Golden-yellow border);

- 'Fastigiatum' (20 m height, diameter, narrowly conical crown, with erect branches up to 8 m).

The liriodendron begins to bloom from 8-15 years of age. After 10 years of this growing breed. Does not tolerate transplantation in adults. Young seedlings up to 1.5 m it is better to plant in the spring before Bud break. Pruning consists of removing the thickening and overlapping of the shoots in early spring when the plants are at rest, to preserve the typical habitus (appearance) of the tree. At a young age, pruning is well tolerated.

Relatively cold-resistant: can withstand short periods of temperatures down to -25-30ºS. With age, the ability to endure harsh winters increases. Demanding to light, humidity and soil: does not tolerate an excess of lime, grows well in moist humus-rich soils. Forms well developed root system with a strong taproot, so wind-resistant and durable, lives up to 400-500 years. Resistant to pests and diseases.
The liriodendron is used in soliternyh and group plantings, where he is the soloist due to its size and the beauty of the crown.
He exquisitely ornamental in alleys and ordinary crop. Especially decorative during flowering its exotic flowers and in autumn when the leaves turn a bright Golden color.published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.7dach.ru