Paul Mason lost 305 pounds for the woman you love
Seventy six million eighty seven thousand one hundred ten
Currently, the 54-year-old man weighs 127 pounds and is busy, that undergoes a series of operations to remove excess skin.
Briton Paul Mason, some time ago considered the fattest man in the world, took a selfie with a friend, for which lost 305 pounds.
Seventy six million seven hundred seventy thousand nine
The Rebecca mountain was done after surgery, during which Mason has removed 21 pounds of excess skin, writes The Daily Mail. Mason in the future will need at least another similar procedure. Images of his body between the Briton shocked his followers on Facebook.
Fifty million six hundred eighty thousand one hundred thirty one
Paul Mason wore the title of a very heavy person in the world and weighed in at 445 pounds. Later, however, he met on Facebook with a 41-year-old Rebecca mountain, for which decided to lose weight. The process dragged on for five years, currently 54-year-old man weighs 127 pounds. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: mirfactov.com/
Currently, the 54-year-old man weighs 127 pounds and is busy, that undergoes a series of operations to remove excess skin.
Briton Paul Mason, some time ago considered the fattest man in the world, took a selfie with a friend, for which lost 305 pounds.
Seventy six million seven hundred seventy thousand nine
The Rebecca mountain was done after surgery, during which Mason has removed 21 pounds of excess skin, writes The Daily Mail. Mason in the future will need at least another similar procedure. Images of his body between the Briton shocked his followers on Facebook.
Fifty million six hundred eighty thousand one hundred thirty one
Paul Mason wore the title of a very heavy person in the world and weighed in at 445 pounds. Later, however, he met on Facebook with a 41-year-old Rebecca mountain, for which decided to lose weight. The process dragged on for five years, currently 54-year-old man weighs 127 pounds. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: mirfactov.com/
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