What Filipino good, Russian — death
10 fads of Filipinos, knowledge of which will help to save not only nerves, but also money.
Forty six million nine hundred ten thousand four hundred eighty three
Philippines — the place where heaven and hell entwined in the rhythm of the waves. Tropical landscapes are buried in the debris, and the locals are friendly, but not without weirdness. Your attention — the top 10 fads of Filipinos, knowledge of which will help to save not only nerves, but also money.
Eighty eight million eight hundred eighty five thousand eight hundred eighty three
They think Russian Americans In the eyes of ordinary Filipino every white man is American. This means that if you lost a comrade in the middle of nowhere, just ask a local where the "us" went. At the same time Russian "Americans" are considered the richest. But that's where is rich in Russia, few people know.
Eighty million three hundred twenty thousand eight hundred twenty four
They do not use the knife while eating
A butter knife served only in expensive restaurants. Food cut up with a spoon, be it a steak, piece of fish or boiled vegetables. Some of the Philippine patriots basically do not use Cutlery — eat with your hands, in their opinion, it tastes better, and closer to the roots.
Eighty seven million two hundred forty thousand one hundred nineteen
They defecate everywhere... defecate men — an essential element of the Philippine landscape. They stand along the roads, absolutely not ashamed, sometimes even sideways. What Filipinos really hate to do is to sneeze. Every urge is restrained from last forces, and accompanied by a sincere apology.
Thirty six million ninety four thousand nine hundred twenty
They eat boiled eggs with the embryo inside
Our culinary preferences largely coincide. Filipinos — staunch meat eaters. Grilled chicken, pork and boiled eggs are the main street snack. However, there is one dish that we unanimously gates nose. We are talking about a boiled egg with the embryo called "balut". This intelligibility seems Filipinos strange. "What does that mean? they wonder. — Eating chicken, egg eating, chicken embryo do not eat. And smells really tasty, so, fish."
Seventy one million seven hundred forty two thousand one hundred eighty three
They are very very late, the Phrase "Filipino time" means that the actual time of the meeting — about an hour later specified. So, if someone says that the collection of 10, filipino time, you can come to 11. Here rush is not accepted, and take offense at delay.
Forty nine million eight hundred six thousand two hundred sixty one
They don't close the door and lock It especially noticeable in the Outback. If you rent a Bungalow in the village by the sea and you do not give the key is fine, the neighbors will keep an eye on. And left on the beach, things no one will touch. But if it is, then only in order to bring them to you, saying, I forgot, comrade American. However, spoiled by tourists, this rule does not apply.
Seventy one million forty five thousand four hundred forty one
They speak a mixture of three languages English is the official language of the country. Spanish — colonial legacy. Those who know the Spanish numbers, it is easy to trade since you can listen to cab drivers and merchants, who in their native language (Filipino) discuss the actual amount, and the English declare overstated. However, some of the word-shifters can be misleading: for example, "seguro" in Spanish means "certainly," and in Filipino is "maybe".
Twenty million nine hundred twelve thousand six hundred ninety one
They get tattoos in a tribe of hunters for human heads lining the tattoo with a bamboo chopsticks popular in Asia to this day. But if in Thailand it has been used by Buddhist monks in the Philippines the only bearer of tradition, is the old Wang-Od of a tribe of hunters for human heads. Together with his granddaughter, she does have a tattoo, which early in the century could only be worn by soldiers-killer tribe of Kalinga.
Ninety four million one hundred thirty four thousand three hundred ninety five
They live in cemeteries Philippine poor people settle where free along the highways, under bridges, on the banks of rivers and even among the dead. North cemetery Manila is a huge slum with their kiosks, machine-karaoke playing a century of crosses among children and shacks-the crypts. Some of its inhabitants — beggars and drunks. Many laborers, who decided to save money on housing in order to pay for the education of their children.
Ninety four million one hundred seventy seven thousand nine hundred eighty eight
They are fierce Catholics "Petit Senor!"— happily exclaims a passerby and teleplay me a slap in the face. "Petit Seigneur", — I snapped, collecting the paint from the face and give him back. Christmas festival Sinulog — the apotheosis of the Filipino religiosity and the most striking tourist attraction. Fans of heavy spectacles should wait for the Easter processions, when the streets are flooded, bleeding, suffering in the crowd — believers try on the passion of Christ. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/1077
Forty six million nine hundred ten thousand four hundred eighty three
Philippines — the place where heaven and hell entwined in the rhythm of the waves. Tropical landscapes are buried in the debris, and the locals are friendly, but not without weirdness. Your attention — the top 10 fads of Filipinos, knowledge of which will help to save not only nerves, but also money.
Eighty eight million eight hundred eighty five thousand eight hundred eighty three
They think Russian Americans In the eyes of ordinary Filipino every white man is American. This means that if you lost a comrade in the middle of nowhere, just ask a local where the "us" went. At the same time Russian "Americans" are considered the richest. But that's where is rich in Russia, few people know.
Eighty million three hundred twenty thousand eight hundred twenty four
They do not use the knife while eating
A butter knife served only in expensive restaurants. Food cut up with a spoon, be it a steak, piece of fish or boiled vegetables. Some of the Philippine patriots basically do not use Cutlery — eat with your hands, in their opinion, it tastes better, and closer to the roots.
Eighty seven million two hundred forty thousand one hundred nineteen
They defecate everywhere... defecate men — an essential element of the Philippine landscape. They stand along the roads, absolutely not ashamed, sometimes even sideways. What Filipinos really hate to do is to sneeze. Every urge is restrained from last forces, and accompanied by a sincere apology.
Thirty six million ninety four thousand nine hundred twenty
They eat boiled eggs with the embryo inside
Our culinary preferences largely coincide. Filipinos — staunch meat eaters. Grilled chicken, pork and boiled eggs are the main street snack. However, there is one dish that we unanimously gates nose. We are talking about a boiled egg with the embryo called "balut". This intelligibility seems Filipinos strange. "What does that mean? they wonder. — Eating chicken, egg eating, chicken embryo do not eat. And smells really tasty, so, fish."
Seventy one million seven hundred forty two thousand one hundred eighty three
They are very very late, the Phrase "Filipino time" means that the actual time of the meeting — about an hour later specified. So, if someone says that the collection of 10, filipino time, you can come to 11. Here rush is not accepted, and take offense at delay.
Forty nine million eight hundred six thousand two hundred sixty one
They don't close the door and lock It especially noticeable in the Outback. If you rent a Bungalow in the village by the sea and you do not give the key is fine, the neighbors will keep an eye on. And left on the beach, things no one will touch. But if it is, then only in order to bring them to you, saying, I forgot, comrade American. However, spoiled by tourists, this rule does not apply.
Seventy one million forty five thousand four hundred forty one
They speak a mixture of three languages English is the official language of the country. Spanish — colonial legacy. Those who know the Spanish numbers, it is easy to trade since you can listen to cab drivers and merchants, who in their native language (Filipino) discuss the actual amount, and the English declare overstated. However, some of the word-shifters can be misleading: for example, "seguro" in Spanish means "certainly," and in Filipino is "maybe".
Twenty million nine hundred twelve thousand six hundred ninety one
They get tattoos in a tribe of hunters for human heads lining the tattoo with a bamboo chopsticks popular in Asia to this day. But if in Thailand it has been used by Buddhist monks in the Philippines the only bearer of tradition, is the old Wang-Od of a tribe of hunters for human heads. Together with his granddaughter, she does have a tattoo, which early in the century could only be worn by soldiers-killer tribe of Kalinga.
Ninety four million one hundred thirty four thousand three hundred ninety five
They live in cemeteries Philippine poor people settle where free along the highways, under bridges, on the banks of rivers and even among the dead. North cemetery Manila is a huge slum with their kiosks, machine-karaoke playing a century of crosses among children and shacks-the crypts. Some of its inhabitants — beggars and drunks. Many laborers, who decided to save money on housing in order to pay for the education of their children.
Ninety four million one hundred seventy seven thousand nine hundred eighty eight
They are fierce Catholics "Petit Senor!"— happily exclaims a passerby and teleplay me a slap in the face. "Petit Seigneur", — I snapped, collecting the paint from the face and give him back. Christmas festival Sinulog — the apotheosis of the Filipino religiosity and the most striking tourist attraction. Fans of heavy spectacles should wait for the Easter processions, when the streets are flooded, bleeding, suffering in the crowd — believers try on the passion of Christ. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/1077