A heart attack in the Bank. Discover the shocking truth about diet Coca-Cola
And not only about it! Worldwide demand falls in the "normal" soda and increases its "diet" counterpart. What's the difference?
That instead of regular sugar in the second case, use aspartame. It is a sweetener that is about 150-200 times sweeter than sugar, and therefore, the amount of soda required is minimal. As a result, not such a large amount of calories in regular coke.
European Agency for FDA control the safety of food, believes that aspartame is harmless. But, as shown by a recent study amerianskie professionals, this is a very dangerous substance that causes seizures, heart attacks and other health problems.
For this research scientists from the University of Iowa for 10 years watching 60 thousands of American women. It was found that those who drank two cans of diet soda or diet coke, had a much higher risk of cardiovascular disease. In the end, most of them will die from problems related to heart.
Fans of soda it is higher by 30%.Here are the conclusions of the scientists themselves:
"Compared with women who never or rarely drink diet soda, those who drink it on a daily basis, have 30% greater chance of heart attack or stroke. And 50% more likely to die from cardiovascular disease.This is one of the largest studies on this topic, and our findings are consistent with some previous research data. In particular, those that indicate a direct link between diet drinks and metabolic syndrome.
The link between aspartame and heart problems is clearly visible, even when you consider all the other risk factors, including body mass index, Smoking, use of hormones, physical activity, salt intake, hypertension, high cholesterol, etc.
Fans of diet soda also raises risks to make diabetes, hypertension, and obesity."
Fortunately, in the Western world sales of soda are already falling. Here's how it explains Time magazine:"there is growing awareness of the fact that the sweeteners replacing sugar, is a very harmful and in fact are the main cause of the obesity epidemic. Artificial sweeteners out of fashion".
So if you have a sweet tooth and are not going to abandon it, then give preference to least sugar. Or fructose. They are safer. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lifter.com.ua/Infarkt-v-banke-NOVAYA-shokiruyushchaya-pravda-o-dieticheskoy-CocaCola
That instead of regular sugar in the second case, use aspartame. It is a sweetener that is about 150-200 times sweeter than sugar, and therefore, the amount of soda required is minimal. As a result, not such a large amount of calories in regular coke.
European Agency for FDA control the safety of food, believes that aspartame is harmless. But, as shown by a recent study amerianskie professionals, this is a very dangerous substance that causes seizures, heart attacks and other health problems.
For this research scientists from the University of Iowa for 10 years watching 60 thousands of American women. It was found that those who drank two cans of diet soda or diet coke, had a much higher risk of cardiovascular disease. In the end, most of them will die from problems related to heart.
Fans of soda it is higher by 30%.Here are the conclusions of the scientists themselves:
"Compared with women who never or rarely drink diet soda, those who drink it on a daily basis, have 30% greater chance of heart attack or stroke. And 50% more likely to die from cardiovascular disease.This is one of the largest studies on this topic, and our findings are consistent with some previous research data. In particular, those that indicate a direct link between diet drinks and metabolic syndrome.
The link between aspartame and heart problems is clearly visible, even when you consider all the other risk factors, including body mass index, Smoking, use of hormones, physical activity, salt intake, hypertension, high cholesterol, etc.
Fans of diet soda also raises risks to make diabetes, hypertension, and obesity."
Fortunately, in the Western world sales of soda are already falling. Here's how it explains Time magazine:"there is growing awareness of the fact that the sweeteners replacing sugar, is a very harmful and in fact are the main cause of the obesity epidemic. Artificial sweeteners out of fashion".
So if you have a sweet tooth and are not going to abandon it, then give preference to least sugar. Or fructose. They are safer. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lifter.com.ua/Infarkt-v-banke-NOVAYA-shokiruyushchaya-pravda-o-dieticheskoy-CocaCola