6 basic principles of fencing that is applicable in life
Fencing took me a long time. I wouldn't call it a martial art as such – in the sense of some kind of hardened, established forms. It is rather a set of principles that are used for lengthening your hand with the metal tip of a size and shape. Classical rapier fencing clear laws and methods, of course, also quite a lot, but only up to a certain stage. When you have mastered the basic techniques, they can, in principle, not to remember.
Except boring, in my opinion, sports fights with wires, judges, and silly rules in the real fencing, knife, rapier, saber, Spagna, menom – opponents fighting techniques, but an understanding of how to extend your hand and avoid the long hands of the enemy. And, of course, matters physical form: wrist strength (when we are talking about the saber and the rapier), the ability to move from the center, flexibility, reaction speed. Fencing is a complex mathematical calculation rests on the neuro-muscular communication and body fitness.
Dying old Buddhist teacher. To him there was a line of students standing in a long chain. The teacher, groaning, says: “my Disciples! Ask me one last question before I go to the Buddha!”
A tense silence. Then at the end of the chain one of the students, stammering from agitation, says: “Master, what is life?”
The chain is passed is: “what is life, what is life, what is life...”
Finally he reaches the teacher. The nearest disciple asks: “Master, what is life?”
The old monk thinks for a long time. Then slowly speaks: “life is a river”.
Novices pass through the chain: “life is a river life is a river life is a river...”
The answer comes to the disciple who asked a question. He, amazed, asked: “Teacher, why??”
The chain is passed is the question: “why, why, why...”
Comes to monk.
He thinks for a long time, frowned, and finally with a sigh replies: “Well, maybe not the river...”
Yes, in my opinion, fencing is also a projection of all life. But not because we are constantly with someone fight or quarrel, not at all. And because fencing, as human consciousness is a process of the brain processing the dynamically changing situation in the external environment and the ongoing modeling of options for the future and their reaction to it.
Here are some of the similarities I see.
The principle of the initiative is punishable.
In fencing, the advantage always on the side of defending. Whoever gets the first attack, is forced to disclose their plans and efforts in order to deceive the enemy. Defending, on the contrary, has at his disposal a ready-made situation where he doesn't need to show their own initiative. It is miscalculations of the enemy and uses his action to his advantage.
Attacking first is always difficult and risky. The first start is always more difficult than catching the already thrown you the ball.
The demonstration of intention.
Shot in rapier fencing starts always with the show. First, the tip of the rapier shows on the target, then attack it seeks this goal to prick. The show may take a fraction of a second, but he is always there. This ensures the accuracy of the shot.
Indicate their intention to formulate and articulate it for yourself before you bring to life is a necessary condition for the success of any enterprise.
The principle of concentration on the root cause.
During the battle fehtovanie most importantly – don't keep your eyes (or, worse still, head) of the hand movements of the enemy. The shot followed immediately. Opinion always needs to be built somewhere in the Central part of the opponent's body, near his chest, and slightly out of focus to work better peripheral vision. All movement always starts from the centre of the body.
That is why attention, collected in the center and not fixated on anything specific, always notices everything that happens much better and reacts faster. This is especially noticeable in combat with multiple opponents, that is, in a composite situation, what usually happens in life.
The principle of the opposite action.
There are two types of temperament fencers. Those who gets angry in the heat of battle, attacking with ferocity and is responsible for every attack the two. And those who fight in cold blood, without emotion, calculating and calm. So, to play maybe both.
A very effective strategy of contrasting his behavior to the behavior of the enemy. Is the opponent starts to get angry, become more calm, go on the defensive and wait for his inevitable mistakes. If the enemy hladnokrovno and obviously overtaking you in peace, try furious adrenaline pressure fast often breaks through any defense.
The principle elitnogo consciousness.
In order to fehtovanie battle to deceive the enemy, often used deceptive motion. The edge shows one point on the body of the enemy, and when he makes a move to defense, instantly moving to another point. This can continue some time and in the end the show goes into a real prick. As a rule, where the enemy had no time to defend himself, fascinated by the cover from the non-existent fraudulent injections.
In this case, each deceptive prick is always ready to turn into a real. If not, “dummy” easy to solve. Every deceptive movement is true, it's not just window dressing, but the real attack, which ends with, or transfer of weapons to another sector, or by injection.
In order to test a particular ability, it is necessary to try. Just create a little intention – it is necessary to check each option in order to either discard it and move to the next or to aspire to him with all speed and take it. However, you should always be alert and keep AlertNet consciousness and a clear mind to be able to move to another option and not hanging out in the notoriously failed attack.
The principle of instantaneous response.
At each shot or the enemy attack must follow an instant response from the defense. You can never go on the defensive and just give the enemy the ground. No enemy attacking you, don't have to feel safe and strike unanswered.
Retreating, be ready at any moment to strike. Any deviation is not a loss, but a reason to gather forces and find a loophole for a successful retaliation. published
Author: Andrew Nordbon
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: mindness.ru/fencing_principles/

Except boring, in my opinion, sports fights with wires, judges, and silly rules in the real fencing, knife, rapier, saber, Spagna, menom – opponents fighting techniques, but an understanding of how to extend your hand and avoid the long hands of the enemy. And, of course, matters physical form: wrist strength (when we are talking about the saber and the rapier), the ability to move from the center, flexibility, reaction speed. Fencing is a complex mathematical calculation rests on the neuro-muscular communication and body fitness.
Dying old Buddhist teacher. To him there was a line of students standing in a long chain. The teacher, groaning, says: “my Disciples! Ask me one last question before I go to the Buddha!”
A tense silence. Then at the end of the chain one of the students, stammering from agitation, says: “Master, what is life?”
The chain is passed is: “what is life, what is life, what is life...”
Finally he reaches the teacher. The nearest disciple asks: “Master, what is life?”
The old monk thinks for a long time. Then slowly speaks: “life is a river”.
Novices pass through the chain: “life is a river life is a river life is a river...”
The answer comes to the disciple who asked a question. He, amazed, asked: “Teacher, why??”
The chain is passed is the question: “why, why, why...”
Comes to monk.
He thinks for a long time, frowned, and finally with a sigh replies: “Well, maybe not the river...”
Yes, in my opinion, fencing is also a projection of all life. But not because we are constantly with someone fight or quarrel, not at all. And because fencing, as human consciousness is a process of the brain processing the dynamically changing situation in the external environment and the ongoing modeling of options for the future and their reaction to it.
Here are some of the similarities I see.
The principle of the initiative is punishable.
In fencing, the advantage always on the side of defending. Whoever gets the first attack, is forced to disclose their plans and efforts in order to deceive the enemy. Defending, on the contrary, has at his disposal a ready-made situation where he doesn't need to show their own initiative. It is miscalculations of the enemy and uses his action to his advantage.
Attacking first is always difficult and risky. The first start is always more difficult than catching the already thrown you the ball.
The demonstration of intention.
Shot in rapier fencing starts always with the show. First, the tip of the rapier shows on the target, then attack it seeks this goal to prick. The show may take a fraction of a second, but he is always there. This ensures the accuracy of the shot.
Indicate their intention to formulate and articulate it for yourself before you bring to life is a necessary condition for the success of any enterprise.
The principle of concentration on the root cause.
During the battle fehtovanie most importantly – don't keep your eyes (or, worse still, head) of the hand movements of the enemy. The shot followed immediately. Opinion always needs to be built somewhere in the Central part of the opponent's body, near his chest, and slightly out of focus to work better peripheral vision. All movement always starts from the centre of the body.
That is why attention, collected in the center and not fixated on anything specific, always notices everything that happens much better and reacts faster. This is especially noticeable in combat with multiple opponents, that is, in a composite situation, what usually happens in life.
The principle of the opposite action.
There are two types of temperament fencers. Those who gets angry in the heat of battle, attacking with ferocity and is responsible for every attack the two. And those who fight in cold blood, without emotion, calculating and calm. So, to play maybe both.
A very effective strategy of contrasting his behavior to the behavior of the enemy. Is the opponent starts to get angry, become more calm, go on the defensive and wait for his inevitable mistakes. If the enemy hladnokrovno and obviously overtaking you in peace, try furious adrenaline pressure fast often breaks through any defense.
The principle elitnogo consciousness.
In order to fehtovanie battle to deceive the enemy, often used deceptive motion. The edge shows one point on the body of the enemy, and when he makes a move to defense, instantly moving to another point. This can continue some time and in the end the show goes into a real prick. As a rule, where the enemy had no time to defend himself, fascinated by the cover from the non-existent fraudulent injections.
In this case, each deceptive prick is always ready to turn into a real. If not, “dummy” easy to solve. Every deceptive movement is true, it's not just window dressing, but the real attack, which ends with, or transfer of weapons to another sector, or by injection.
In order to test a particular ability, it is necessary to try. Just create a little intention – it is necessary to check each option in order to either discard it and move to the next or to aspire to him with all speed and take it. However, you should always be alert and keep AlertNet consciousness and a clear mind to be able to move to another option and not hanging out in the notoriously failed attack.
The principle of instantaneous response.
At each shot or the enemy attack must follow an instant response from the defense. You can never go on the defensive and just give the enemy the ground. No enemy attacking you, don't have to feel safe and strike unanswered.
Retreating, be ready at any moment to strike. Any deviation is not a loss, but a reason to gather forces and find a loophole for a successful retaliation. published
Author: Andrew Nordbon
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: mindness.ru/fencing_principles/
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