The psychology of choice and You are willing to pay the price?
Daily life confronts us with choices. Sometimes trivial: go to a movie or read a book. Sometimes serious: to quit work or to work here until retirement. And sometimes even global...
You can argue long on that, they say, people just have to strive for self-improvement, to condemn those who are afraid to take risks to win and be more successful in the future. But is it so easy to take responsibility for their choices?
...Tanya was sitting in front of men, her thoughts rushed about like a wounded bird. He nedvuznachno hinted that do not mind to continue the acquaintance. That, they say, he immediately liked her smile and charm. To agree to another date? Maybe they have something happens, and it will cease to feel so alone... And suddenly, no? If the new relationship will bring her only suffering and pain?
— No, I can't tomorrow. And next week, too.
Tanya went back because of his look. Whether she made a choice? Maybe it was worth the risk?
In essence, each person in different situations makes a choice in favor of something one: the past or the future.
The choice in favor of the past is the ability to stay in your comfort zone. Though not very comfortable, even uncomfortable, but familiar. It promises no surprises and worries, no surprises: Tanya used to live alone and even finds in it some pleasure. You can, for example, not to cook at all, you can even come in the morning from a friend and spend all the money on myself. What is bad?
And the fact that refusing to take responsibility for change in their lives, we couldn't help but feel guilty myself. "It was also a chance, it was, but I didn't take it!"
The choice for the future seems really very attractive. To change your life, to try something new, take a chance and win! And if you don't win? If the proverbial young man in two months of living together will be an alcoholic and a parasite? If you will lay your hands on her or just be rude at every turn?
Fear is what prevents us to make a choice in favor of the future. In order to understand what is the solution to better analyze the price which you will pay for your choice. Take a sheet of paper. Raschertite it into two columns and write down first what you will become if you dare to take the risk. And the other that you lose. Then read the writing very openly and try to answer the question: are you willing to pay the price for their choices? Are you ready to ensure that your chance to turn defeat? If not, then probably not worth the risk.
If you begin to feel guilt over a missed chance, again re-read this list and say to yourself: "No, I made the right choice. To pay for so much I do not agree!"published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: my.goodhouse.com.ua/psihologiya-vibora-a-vi-gotovi-platit-cenu/
You can argue long on that, they say, people just have to strive for self-improvement, to condemn those who are afraid to take risks to win and be more successful in the future. But is it so easy to take responsibility for their choices?

...Tanya was sitting in front of men, her thoughts rushed about like a wounded bird. He nedvuznachno hinted that do not mind to continue the acquaintance. That, they say, he immediately liked her smile and charm. To agree to another date? Maybe they have something happens, and it will cease to feel so alone... And suddenly, no? If the new relationship will bring her only suffering and pain?
— No, I can't tomorrow. And next week, too.
Tanya went back because of his look. Whether she made a choice? Maybe it was worth the risk?
In essence, each person in different situations makes a choice in favor of something one: the past or the future.
The choice in favor of the past is the ability to stay in your comfort zone. Though not very comfortable, even uncomfortable, but familiar. It promises no surprises and worries, no surprises: Tanya used to live alone and even finds in it some pleasure. You can, for example, not to cook at all, you can even come in the morning from a friend and spend all the money on myself. What is bad?
And the fact that refusing to take responsibility for change in their lives, we couldn't help but feel guilty myself. "It was also a chance, it was, but I didn't take it!"
The choice for the future seems really very attractive. To change your life, to try something new, take a chance and win! And if you don't win? If the proverbial young man in two months of living together will be an alcoholic and a parasite? If you will lay your hands on her or just be rude at every turn?
Fear is what prevents us to make a choice in favor of the future. In order to understand what is the solution to better analyze the price which you will pay for your choice. Take a sheet of paper. Raschertite it into two columns and write down first what you will become if you dare to take the risk. And the other that you lose. Then read the writing very openly and try to answer the question: are you willing to pay the price for their choices? Are you ready to ensure that your chance to turn defeat? If not, then probably not worth the risk.
If you begin to feel guilt over a missed chance, again re-read this list and say to yourself: "No, I made the right choice. To pay for so much I do not agree!"published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: my.goodhouse.com.ua/psihologiya-vibora-a-vi-gotovi-platit-cenu/