Soul sushi: fructы, orchards and zimu

Drying vegetables, fruits, herbs, fish and meat is the oldest known method of preserving foods. Previously, people used only the sun and wind, then began to dry in ovens. At the end of the XIX century, industrial air drying was carried out using special drying machines. However, the principle remained the same: warm air deprives plant tissues of moisture necessary for the life of microorganisms. Fragrant, healthy, nutrient-rich... Now is the best time to prepare supplies for the winter. When everything is done with your own hands, it tastes twice as good.

Many gardeners today still actively dry and dry. Excess crops are not wasted, and dried at home products, as a rule, more useful bought in the store. The latter contain 20-30% of residual moisture, which is why they are subjected to additional chemical canning. In well-dried vegetables and fruits, the residual humidity is 13-14%.

To preserve as many vitamins as possible, it is necessary to dry vegetables, fruits and mushrooms at a temperature of no more than 50 ° C. How long it takes to dry, it is impossible to say for sure: it depends on the type of product, variety, air humidity, harvest season and previous weather, on the size and density of the flesh of the fruit, as well as on the moisture content of the product.

The most important thing when drying is to get rid of the released moisture - the dryers are equipped for this with a special hood.

Sour apples are better for drying than sweet ones. Dried slices of such apples are especially tasty and do not darken due to the organic acids contained in them.

Prunes will taste better if you take very sweet plums for cooking. Dry only truly ripe fruits, even with already wrinkled skin.

Ripe pears with solid flesh are ideal for drying. In large pears, the core should be removed, having previously cut the pear in half, and small ones should be cut in circles, without cleaning and cutting the core.

Dried zucchini is a great way to use excess crops. They can be used for cooking or just chewing.

Carefully select foxes: only young and strong fungi are suitable for drying, lethargic and loose will not work.

White mushrooms in dried form are even more delicious than fresh ones. They can be added to soup, sauces and meat dishes. Clean the mushrooms before drying, but do not wash them: they absorb water well.

Dried tomatoes are a favorite delicacy of Italian cuisine. Ensure good air circulation, otherwise they will stew in their own juice rather than dry.

On a hot tile oven or stove, vegetables, fruits and mushrooms are dried without additional energy costs. Skillful owners come up with devices like such a holder for such drying: arch the frame from the sheet of metal, having previously drilled holes at two ends. Insert a simple stick into the holes, on which later the rings will be strung.

Attention! Take a wooden stick, the metal rings will burn. Depending on the duration of use of the furnace and its heating, the drying time will average three days.

If you dry in the oven, leave a small gap for the air to exit. Try the cooled piece to taste to see how dry it is. Dried products must change shape, become hard to the touch and dry inside. If you store the finished product in a cool, dry and protected from light, it will not spoil for at least a year.

With the help of an electric dryer, you can easily and quickly make dehydrated products. The device directs warm air flows through the grids located above each other. The air takes moisture from the product. It will cost more to dry with a smooth temperature regulator and timer.

One of the varieties of cold drying is drying - with this method of workpiece, the temperature should not rise above 40 ° C. It is mainly not fruits and vegetables, but meat and fish. Although there are exceptions: for example, dried tomatoes in oil with various additives are very popular in the Mediterranean countries.

It does not matter how the fruits and vegetables are dried – in the sun, in the oven, on the battery or with a dryer. The main thing is that they retain maximum nutrients and make up for the lack of vitamins in the long winter months. And no one will say that stale and dry is bad.

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

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