Hemp in the service of energy efficiency


Old houses in Belgium built in the middle of the last century, rekonstruiruet with hempcrete, an innovative material that replaces concrete.

The architects from Bureau Van Caimere Martens Architecten managed with the help of hempcrete to turn the old house in the village of Herrgardsvagn in energy efficient building.

Hempcrete (literally "hemp bricks) is made from a mixture of hemp, lime and sand. In the reconstruction of houses in Geraldcelente hempcrete used for thermal insulation of walls in the house. As a result, walls are better to keep warm and bought a porous surface with pronounced texture.

According to the architect Nicholas Martens, one of the founders of the Bureau Van Caimere Martens Architecten, hemp material has good insulating properties and costs much less concrete.

"In our projects we try to find solutions that reduce the cost of construction, — said the architect. In 50-70-ies the Belgians built either bad or no insulation. So the update of these houses according to the standards of sustainable construction can be quite expensive. Hempcrete provides thermal insulation in a single layer and thereby reduces construction costs. Plus it is durable and environmentally friendly as it is made from waste products"

For insulation of the building hempcrete used in the same way as the concrete. At the perimeter of the house built a wooden frame and a mixture of hempcity poured back layer by layer. Once the mixture solidifies, wooden partition removed.

One of the main requirements of home owners in Geraldcelente was the energy efficiency of the building. A new insulation layer of hempcrete allows you to achieve this. In addition, the architects installed solar panels to generate electricity and a system of collecting and filtering rain water. published

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Source: green-city.su/%EF%BB%BFkonoplya-na-sluzhbe-energoeffektivnosti/


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