The success of the solution to any problem

Before you approach the solution to your problem, it is necessary to formulate the ultimate goal. One way to set good goals is an approach called SMART.The word SMART is an acronym which stands for:

  • Specific (Specific)
  • Measurable (Measurable)
  • Achievable (Achievable)
  • Relevant (Significant)
  • Time-bound (Limited in time)


Specific (Specific)Specific — this means that clearly defined the result you want to achieve. In the formulation, try not to use slang words, use conventional names, names and terms. Avoid General words. For example, "better", "better"... specify exactly how much better and what exactly will determine the effectiveness. For the correct formulation "Specific" goals help questions:
  • What is the result you need to achieve and why?
  • Who will be involved in implementation?
  • Are there any limitations or additional information to achieve the goal?
  Measurable (Measurable) need to understand what will be measured the result. Be sure to use specific numbers to avoid uncertainty in the future.

In order to more clearly articulate a measurable goal, use questions:

  • When it will be considered that the goal has been achieved?
  • What the indicator suggests that the goal is achieved?
  Achievable (Attainable) As it is strange, but the goal should be achievable. If the chances to achieve the goal tend to zero, then the motivation for its implementation will be zero. To achieve the goal, one desire is not enough, you must have all the necessary resources.

Relevant (Meaningful) You should clearly understand: "whether the task implementation is in the framework of achieving the goal?" You need to understand that the implementation of planned objectives is really necessary. Within the company, the importance can be measured and benefits, if it is not, then such a goal can be considered useless.

Time-bound (Limited in time) is Impossible to achieve something endlessly required time frame. In other words, you have to be determined final date. If the time came, the goal is not reached. Thus it is not necessary to forget that time frames are established taking into account available resources.

Such approach allows from the outset to organize all the information, determine timelines, resources, and to formulate accurate and specific tasks. After the objective, is to determine which is the very first step to achieving it you can make. published

Author: Chernov Dmitry P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki



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