Car Market
In this issue, we check gospriemka how leading companies - manufacturers of cars ready to pay attention to work directly with customers, their problems, take care of them.
Text of letter sent to:
Dear Sirs!
In the winter I bought a car of your company AvtoVAZ (Chevrolet, Audi, Skoda, Mercedes, Chrysler, BMW, Honda, Hyundai, Peugeot, Renault, Volvo, Lexus, Toyota). Everyone says that the car is super, and I myself, in principle, it is really like. But as it turned out, it has a major drawback, which was a surprise to me and I just recently got into an accident because of the obvious flaws in the details of your car. I'll tell you all the details.
I have a pet dog Buck, charming furry creatures rare dwarf breed Shih Tzu. Baksika so like all my friends, I almost never part with it, even when I go in the car. Bucks usually sits on the passenger seat looking out the window or on my lap. But recently we went on Mozhayke and had to slow down at a traffic light. I pressed the pedal, but it turned out to be the Bucks, who managed somehow to get under it because that is not provided by any device that protects against ingress of small animals under the pedal, and by the way, no instruction about it warns. I immediately released the brakes, because Baksika whined so much pain! Because of this, I immediately ran into another car and severely broke her. Then I was told that I was to blame for the accident, and that I would have to pay for the repairs yourself and others in the car.
But do I have to pay for what you have done bad pedal? If you like your car to be done, my pet will not be able to get under the pedal. And your instruction is nothing written about the fact that under the pedal can get small pets! But you have to warn about it! Besides, Baksika was broken foot, it has to be treated at a veterinarian paid, and I was very worried about him.
I know that foreign countries had a similar case, if the injured party in the court has been paid a lot of money. But I do not want to resort to such measures. Yet I believe that the tragedy occurred because of flaws in the design of the pedal cars, and therefore decided to apply to your company with the request. I think that such a big company like yours, I do not make it more difficult to compensate for the cost of car repairs and moral damage.
I look forward to your early reply.
Regards, Ella Kucherov
Answers are looking to continue
Response Peugeot:
Dear Ella,
In answer to your message on the site Peugeot, we inform you that for a detailed review of your situation, we need:
All your contact details (address, phone, etc.)
All data on your car (a copy of the service book, Ptsa)
Documents of the accident (in which it is stated that the cause of the accident was just your dog)
Documents for your dog (confirming that it is you really have, and that she really suffered in the accident).
The data necessary to send the Documentation or on the meil or by fax 981-14-11
Sincerely, Olesya
Response Renault:
Dear Ella,
for consideration of your application, please provide the following information:
- VIN number of the vehicle;
- State license plate number;
- The date of purchase and where to buy a car;
- Contact phone numbers to contact you during working hours;
For operational information about the model number of Renault, presented in Russia, dealer network and others you have any questions you can contact the hotline Renault.
Hotline Renault: (495) 775-48-48 (Moscow) 8 800 200-80-80 (toll-free across Russia).
Sincerely, Vladimir Ordihovsky department on work with clients
Response Hyundai:
Dear Ella,
JSC "Karnet 2000" shows you the respect, thank you for choosing the Hyundai brand and in response to your letter says the following: We sincerely regret that your pet - dog is a rare dwarf breed Shih Tzu named Bucks - suffered and those negative moments which you have experienced in the operation of your vehicle HUYNDAI Getz, when during the movement of Mozhaisk Highway during braking on the red light in order to avoid harming the pet you have violated the requirements of Rules of traffic.
We consider it necessary to comment on that brand cars HYUNDAI, sold official dealer center of CJSC "Karnet-2000" held all the necessary tests and checks on compliance with the standards and requirements in force in the territory of the Russian Federation and defining the parameters of vehicles, the operation of which is provided and approved in the customs territory of the Russian Federation . In particular, the braking system of vehicles of the brand HYUNDAI compliance with GOST R 51709-2001. Location pedals Getz car was checked by Certification of automotive vehicles - motor vehicles, parts and accessories (OS Ano TSSSAMT) of the Russian Federation, confirmed by the certificate of conformity № ROSS TO R.MT25.V06351.
In addition, we want to note that when passing the qualifying exam for the right to drive vehicles, authorized officers, among other things checked the knowledge of applicants, namely the rules of the road course which contains the rules of safe and sound operation of vehicles. Given the fact that the car is a technically complex product and source of danger certainly use the acquired knowledge in practice in preparation for obtaining special rights should not cause doubt.
Taking into account the current legislation, namely Decree N 176, approving the rules of transportation of passengers and luggage by road, specifying the conditions of travel of cats, dogs and small animals, we recommend you in the future for the transport of your pet, Bax, use special devices that allow not only ensure maximum safety of a pet in the car while driving, but also to create for him the most comfortable conditions.
Nevertheless, we want to assure you that our company is closely following the innovations in the automotive industry, and fully complies with international safety standards in the production of cars. For our part, we once again bring you apologize for the inconvenience caused during the incident described by you, and we hope that the continued operation of a vehicle belonging to you will bring only positive emotions.
Response Honda:
Dear Ella!
We bring sincere condolences over the incident, and wish a speedy recovery Baksika.
However, forced to reject your request for compensation due to the fact that the accident was not caused by the vehicle manufacturer, and as a consequence of traffic violations:
According to the rules of the road, transport of animals in the cabin is equated to domestic carriage of goods: boxes, bags, and more. And the only requirement is: the load in the cabin should not limit visibility from the driver's seat and interfere in management. Although hurt that beloved dog - a family member - equated to a soulless box.
For small dogs and cats can use special carrying containers. They are now sold in any pet store for the price of 400 rubles. It is a lightweight plastic "box" with a side-door grill or reinforced fabric structure (in the manner of a tent). They are mounted on the seat and fastened seatbelt or regular arm or simply tied with a rope. Plastic "box", if it has no interior trim, tougher and shake on potholes animal it less comfortable. Tissue "tent" with shaking always softer, but it can be crushed beast, especially if he goes to the neighborhood with other cargo. For large and medium-sized dogs that are in no carry in the cabin is not povezesh, we found another solution, using shleek- "vests". They threaded through the front legs of the dog and the "vest" button on the back. Then after a short leash adjustable harness fastened to a regular seat belt. Thus, the animal can sit on the back seat in a comfortable position, change positions, get up on their feet. But in the case of a collision or sudden braking, the belt will not allow him to "fly" around the cabin. Do not give in and jump out the window. On harness can carry small dogs and cats and, if they are calm in the car. Prices are the same - from 300-400 rubles. Another solution - a design with fabric or mesh walls, like a playpen for small children, which is installed on the back seat of the car. Sitting in it, do not dirty your dog and will not ride through the cabin.
Finally, perhaps the most popular accessory - soft mesh that stretches behind the rear seat row. The luggage gets a special "space" easy even for a big dog, and of the sand. Naturally, in order to establish such a grid needs a "wagon", a minivan or large SUV.
Sergey Kamenev
Honda Motor RUS LLC
Avtovaz Answer:
"Good day, Ella!
Sochustvuem you in your trouble if your dog is not 12 years of the fault for the accident lies entirely on you as a driver have not been met n. 22.9. existing traffic regulations "transport of persons under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts, should be carried out using special restraints appropriate weight and height, or other means to fasten the person being transported using seat belts, designed into the vehicle, and in the front seat of the car - only with special restraints. "We have provided everything for the safe carriage of any passenger, you have neglected this opportunity, poorly trained pet instead of sitting still, studied podpedalnogo space, which led to the accident. If you want to apply for a court AVTOVAZ it is your right, but the court will be considered only for the issue in the complex and a violation of the existing traffic rules must expose. »
Department on work with consumer complaints.
Head Office
Response BMW:
Madam Kucherov!
Thank you for your appeal.
We sincerely regret this situation. In a place so draw your attention to the fact that Russian law provides rules for the transport of animals. For its part, the purpose of taking care of their customers and their pets company BMW offers safe harnesses for dogs of different sizes (small breeds, medium breeds, large breeds). The harness allows you to fasten your seat belt for a dog in the back seat, and thereby ensure the safety and protection for all occupants.
To purchase this device, you can contact an authorized dealer BMW.
Customer Support BMW
Company Toyota, Lexus, Volvo, Chrysler, Mercedes, Chevrolet, Audi, Skoda letter ignored
Text of letter sent to:
Dear Sirs!
In the winter I bought a car of your company AvtoVAZ (Chevrolet, Audi, Skoda, Mercedes, Chrysler, BMW, Honda, Hyundai, Peugeot, Renault, Volvo, Lexus, Toyota). Everyone says that the car is super, and I myself, in principle, it is really like. But as it turned out, it has a major drawback, which was a surprise to me and I just recently got into an accident because of the obvious flaws in the details of your car. I'll tell you all the details.
I have a pet dog Buck, charming furry creatures rare dwarf breed Shih Tzu. Baksika so like all my friends, I almost never part with it, even when I go in the car. Bucks usually sits on the passenger seat looking out the window or on my lap. But recently we went on Mozhayke and had to slow down at a traffic light. I pressed the pedal, but it turned out to be the Bucks, who managed somehow to get under it because that is not provided by any device that protects against ingress of small animals under the pedal, and by the way, no instruction about it warns. I immediately released the brakes, because Baksika whined so much pain! Because of this, I immediately ran into another car and severely broke her. Then I was told that I was to blame for the accident, and that I would have to pay for the repairs yourself and others in the car.
But do I have to pay for what you have done bad pedal? If you like your car to be done, my pet will not be able to get under the pedal. And your instruction is nothing written about the fact that under the pedal can get small pets! But you have to warn about it! Besides, Baksika was broken foot, it has to be treated at a veterinarian paid, and I was very worried about him.
I know that foreign countries had a similar case, if the injured party in the court has been paid a lot of money. But I do not want to resort to such measures. Yet I believe that the tragedy occurred because of flaws in the design of the pedal cars, and therefore decided to apply to your company with the request. I think that such a big company like yours, I do not make it more difficult to compensate for the cost of car repairs and moral damage.
I look forward to your early reply.
Regards, Ella Kucherov
Answers are looking to continue
Response Peugeot:
Dear Ella,
In answer to your message on the site Peugeot, we inform you that for a detailed review of your situation, we need:
All your contact details (address, phone, etc.)
All data on your car (a copy of the service book, Ptsa)
Documents of the accident (in which it is stated that the cause of the accident was just your dog)
Documents for your dog (confirming that it is you really have, and that she really suffered in the accident).
The data necessary to send the Documentation or on the meil or by fax 981-14-11
Sincerely, Olesya
Response Renault:
Dear Ella,
for consideration of your application, please provide the following information:
- VIN number of the vehicle;
- State license plate number;
- The date of purchase and where to buy a car;
- Contact phone numbers to contact you during working hours;
For operational information about the model number of Renault, presented in Russia, dealer network and others you have any questions you can contact the hotline Renault.
Hotline Renault: (495) 775-48-48 (Moscow) 8 800 200-80-80 (toll-free across Russia).
Sincerely, Vladimir Ordihovsky department on work with clients
Response Hyundai:
Dear Ella,
JSC "Karnet 2000" shows you the respect, thank you for choosing the Hyundai brand and in response to your letter says the following: We sincerely regret that your pet - dog is a rare dwarf breed Shih Tzu named Bucks - suffered and those negative moments which you have experienced in the operation of your vehicle HUYNDAI Getz, when during the movement of Mozhaisk Highway during braking on the red light in order to avoid harming the pet you have violated the requirements of Rules of traffic.
We consider it necessary to comment on that brand cars HYUNDAI, sold official dealer center of CJSC "Karnet-2000" held all the necessary tests and checks on compliance with the standards and requirements in force in the territory of the Russian Federation and defining the parameters of vehicles, the operation of which is provided and approved in the customs territory of the Russian Federation . In particular, the braking system of vehicles of the brand HYUNDAI compliance with GOST R 51709-2001. Location pedals Getz car was checked by Certification of automotive vehicles - motor vehicles, parts and accessories (OS Ano TSSSAMT) of the Russian Federation, confirmed by the certificate of conformity № ROSS TO R.MT25.V06351.
In addition, we want to note that when passing the qualifying exam for the right to drive vehicles, authorized officers, among other things checked the knowledge of applicants, namely the rules of the road course which contains the rules of safe and sound operation of vehicles. Given the fact that the car is a technically complex product and source of danger certainly use the acquired knowledge in practice in preparation for obtaining special rights should not cause doubt.
Taking into account the current legislation, namely Decree N 176, approving the rules of transportation of passengers and luggage by road, specifying the conditions of travel of cats, dogs and small animals, we recommend you in the future for the transport of your pet, Bax, use special devices that allow not only ensure maximum safety of a pet in the car while driving, but also to create for him the most comfortable conditions.
Nevertheless, we want to assure you that our company is closely following the innovations in the automotive industry, and fully complies with international safety standards in the production of cars. For our part, we once again bring you apologize for the inconvenience caused during the incident described by you, and we hope that the continued operation of a vehicle belonging to you will bring only positive emotions.
Response Honda:
Dear Ella!
We bring sincere condolences over the incident, and wish a speedy recovery Baksika.
However, forced to reject your request for compensation due to the fact that the accident was not caused by the vehicle manufacturer, and as a consequence of traffic violations:
According to the rules of the road, transport of animals in the cabin is equated to domestic carriage of goods: boxes, bags, and more. And the only requirement is: the load in the cabin should not limit visibility from the driver's seat and interfere in management. Although hurt that beloved dog - a family member - equated to a soulless box.
For small dogs and cats can use special carrying containers. They are now sold in any pet store for the price of 400 rubles. It is a lightweight plastic "box" with a side-door grill or reinforced fabric structure (in the manner of a tent). They are mounted on the seat and fastened seatbelt or regular arm or simply tied with a rope. Plastic "box", if it has no interior trim, tougher and shake on potholes animal it less comfortable. Tissue "tent" with shaking always softer, but it can be crushed beast, especially if he goes to the neighborhood with other cargo. For large and medium-sized dogs that are in no carry in the cabin is not povezesh, we found another solution, using shleek- "vests". They threaded through the front legs of the dog and the "vest" button on the back. Then after a short leash adjustable harness fastened to a regular seat belt. Thus, the animal can sit on the back seat in a comfortable position, change positions, get up on their feet. But in the case of a collision or sudden braking, the belt will not allow him to "fly" around the cabin. Do not give in and jump out the window. On harness can carry small dogs and cats and, if they are calm in the car. Prices are the same - from 300-400 rubles. Another solution - a design with fabric or mesh walls, like a playpen for small children, which is installed on the back seat of the car. Sitting in it, do not dirty your dog and will not ride through the cabin.
Finally, perhaps the most popular accessory - soft mesh that stretches behind the rear seat row. The luggage gets a special "space" easy even for a big dog, and of the sand. Naturally, in order to establish such a grid needs a "wagon", a minivan or large SUV.
Sergey Kamenev
Honda Motor RUS LLC
Avtovaz Answer:
"Good day, Ella!
Sochustvuem you in your trouble if your dog is not 12 years of the fault for the accident lies entirely on you as a driver have not been met n. 22.9. existing traffic regulations "transport of persons under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts, should be carried out using special restraints appropriate weight and height, or other means to fasten the person being transported using seat belts, designed into the vehicle, and in the front seat of the car - only with special restraints. "We have provided everything for the safe carriage of any passenger, you have neglected this opportunity, poorly trained pet instead of sitting still, studied podpedalnogo space, which led to the accident. If you want to apply for a court AVTOVAZ it is your right, but the court will be considered only for the issue in the complex and a violation of the existing traffic rules must expose. »
Department on work with consumer complaints.
Head Office
Response BMW:
Madam Kucherov!
Thank you for your appeal.
We sincerely regret this situation. In a place so draw your attention to the fact that Russian law provides rules for the transport of animals. For its part, the purpose of taking care of their customers and their pets company BMW offers safe harnesses for dogs of different sizes (small breeds, medium breeds, large breeds). The harness allows you to fasten your seat belt for a dog in the back seat, and thereby ensure the safety and protection for all occupants.
To purchase this device, you can contact an authorized dealer BMW.
Customer Support BMW
Company Toyota, Lexus, Volvo, Chrysler, Mercedes, Chevrolet, Audi, Skoda letter ignored