Why salt beds — discover the secret!
Salt" beds is tested and correct method to improve plant nutrition. He was popular in the old days, when to produce mineral fertilisers for personal services was not easy. Today, however, we can recommend the cottagers to apply such agrotechnical reception at his estate.
Salt – indirect fertilizer. When introduced into the soil substrate salt (NaCl) improved dissolution of nutrients, and they begin to more fully assimilated by plants.
Especially effective this technique on poor sandy soils. The roots under such conditions be not too good. Beets, for example, Matures quite savory, and carrots – with bitterness, and in the process of storage, the bitterness intensifies. If the beds "salt", then beets will increase the sugar content, carrots will store much more carotene.
In July and August, the roots are actively growing in strength. It was during this period of their useful feed. In the bucket of water dissolve a tablespoon of salt, mix well and pour on the beds with root vegetables. But first don't forget to thoroughly water the beds. In dry soil the action of salt is zero. Well-spilled soil, you can just add salt from the salt shaker.
Today we have the opportunity to purchase any fertilizer, so instead of salt I advise you to use sodium nitrate. And again, be sure to feed the roots of potash fertilizers – tablespoon per square metre of the ground.
The introduction of salt in the circles of tree trunks of trees in the garden plentiful fruiting and improved the fruit quality. This procedure is recommended in spring, before the snow melted completely.
But don't get carried away "salty". Much desolate the soil is harmful. After you use salt be sure to make the fall higher dose of organic matter. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/public44431169?w=wall-44431169_327798
Salt – indirect fertilizer. When introduced into the soil substrate salt (NaCl) improved dissolution of nutrients, and they begin to more fully assimilated by plants.
Especially effective this technique on poor sandy soils. The roots under such conditions be not too good. Beets, for example, Matures quite savory, and carrots – with bitterness, and in the process of storage, the bitterness intensifies. If the beds "salt", then beets will increase the sugar content, carrots will store much more carotene.
In July and August, the roots are actively growing in strength. It was during this period of their useful feed. In the bucket of water dissolve a tablespoon of salt, mix well and pour on the beds with root vegetables. But first don't forget to thoroughly water the beds. In dry soil the action of salt is zero. Well-spilled soil, you can just add salt from the salt shaker.
Today we have the opportunity to purchase any fertilizer, so instead of salt I advise you to use sodium nitrate. And again, be sure to feed the roots of potash fertilizers – tablespoon per square metre of the ground.
The introduction of salt in the circles of tree trunks of trees in the garden plentiful fruiting and improved the fruit quality. This procedure is recommended in spring, before the snow melted completely.
But don't get carried away "salty". Much desolate the soil is harmful. After you use salt be sure to make the fall higher dose of organic matter. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/public44431169?w=wall-44431169_327798