The extraordinary benefits of cumin for health
Global positioning systems (GPS) has a strong odor and a slightly bitter nutty taste — the main features of this Queen of Oriental spices. It's used in cooking mainly as cumin seeds, whole and chopped.
Whole cumin seeds — main seasoning for the Eastern pilaf. Powdered cumin is the perfect addition to all meats, it in all marinades and sauces. Zira perfectly complements vegetable dishes. In the confectionery industry is used as a flavoring in bakery and dairy products. Zira — the constant additive to all types of pickles and pickling, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, cabbage turn out very tasty and fragrant.
Twenty eight million seven hundred twelve thousand seven hundred forty one
Due to the fact that the cumin possesses numerous medicinal properties it is widely used in medicine and perfumes. On the island of Comino in the Mediterranean, named after this plant, no comincini not suffering from cardiovascular disease and a heart attack here, an extreme rarity. This is due to the fact that the fields of the island covered in cumin, and its inhabitants regularly use cumin in food.
Useful properties of cumin (cumin) and recommendations for use are summarized in the table.
The type of disease, the system, What organs are affected by Recommendations for use of Cardiovascular system 1.Stabilization activities.
2. Prevents the formation of caverns and blood clots in the blood vessels. 2 tsp cumin 200 ml of water to pass through the water bath 15...20 minutes, to insist 40 minutes, drain. Taken three times a day for 100 ml of the digestive Organs, the gastrointestinal tract 1. Improving digestion.
2. Appetite.
3. Removes toxins and undigested food scraps.
4. Cures nausea, bloating and vomiting, especially in the first months of pregnancy.
5. Successfully treating baby flatulence.
6. It has a mild laxative and diuretic. Medical tea: 1 tsp cumin seeds, 1 tsp fennel, 1 tsp coriander, pour 2 cups of boiling water, to insist 10...15 min. to Take at least three times a day. The kidneys help kidney Thick drink made of 2 teaspoons of cumin in 200ml of water brewing. Taken three times a day before meals. Resolves spleen tumor spleen the Attachment of cumin mixed with olive oil Brain, organs of vision 1. Improves brain activity.
2. Strengthens and restores sight 1 tsp of cumin mixed with 1 tsp honey taken three times a day Respiratory tract 1. Clears the respiratory tract when the disease bronchitis and cough with mucus.
2. calms the nervous system 2 tsp cumin 200 ml of water to pass through the water bath 15...20 minutes, to insist 40 minutes, drain. Taken three times a day for 100 ml For nursing mothers Increase the tide of milk 1.Powder of cumin in equal parts with sugar, taken three times a day.
2.A decoction of cumin seeds in milk or water taken three times a day. Amnesia, insomnia, half a teaspoon of powder of cumin, pour a glass of warm milk, add a tablespoon of honey to drink before going to bed. Useful this recipe and kids in the small quantities that cry at night for no apparent reason. Skin diseases Is antiseptic. Helps to dissolve tumors, various skin swelling(acne, pimples, rashes, dermatitis) to Prepare a paste consisting of 0.5 Cup crushed cumin seeds, 200 g olive oil 100 g anise oil are mixed thoroughly, cool and place on sore spot Rheumatism, neuralgia, arthritis pain relief to Prepare a paste consisting of 0.5 Cup crushed cumin seeds, 200 g olive oil 100 g of anise oil to be mixed thoroughly and warmed to put on the sore spot. Multiple sclerosis 1. Successfully replaces expensive Phlogenzym and baclofen.
2. Relieves symptoms of painful, burning sensation in the feet. 0.5 cups ground cumin pour 200 ml of purified medical alcohol, 200 ml of linseed oil. insist in a sealed container at a temperature of 20...24 degrees. Take 10...15 ml three times a day for 2...3 hours before eating... Decrease in sexual activity for men Stimulates the sexual function to Prepare the infusion: a glass comminuted to a powder of cumin, a Cup of crushed ginger, 0.5 anise seeds to fill in 0,7-1 l purified medical alcohol 70...90%, infuse in an airtight container for at least 7 days, turning it daily. Take 25 ml three times daily. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: deluxe.com.ua/articles/spice-and-health/zira-poleznie-svoistva.html
Whole cumin seeds — main seasoning for the Eastern pilaf. Powdered cumin is the perfect addition to all meats, it in all marinades and sauces. Zira perfectly complements vegetable dishes. In the confectionery industry is used as a flavoring in bakery and dairy products. Zira — the constant additive to all types of pickles and pickling, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, cabbage turn out very tasty and fragrant.
Twenty eight million seven hundred twelve thousand seven hundred forty one
Due to the fact that the cumin possesses numerous medicinal properties it is widely used in medicine and perfumes. On the island of Comino in the Mediterranean, named after this plant, no comincini not suffering from cardiovascular disease and a heart attack here, an extreme rarity. This is due to the fact that the fields of the island covered in cumin, and its inhabitants regularly use cumin in food.
Useful properties of cumin (cumin) and recommendations for use are summarized in the table.
The type of disease, the system, What organs are affected by Recommendations for use of Cardiovascular system 1.Stabilization activities.
2. Prevents the formation of caverns and blood clots in the blood vessels. 2 tsp cumin 200 ml of water to pass through the water bath 15...20 minutes, to insist 40 minutes, drain. Taken three times a day for 100 ml of the digestive Organs, the gastrointestinal tract 1. Improving digestion.
2. Appetite.
3. Removes toxins and undigested food scraps.
4. Cures nausea, bloating and vomiting, especially in the first months of pregnancy.
5. Successfully treating baby flatulence.
6. It has a mild laxative and diuretic. Medical tea: 1 tsp cumin seeds, 1 tsp fennel, 1 tsp coriander, pour 2 cups of boiling water, to insist 10...15 min. to Take at least three times a day. The kidneys help kidney Thick drink made of 2 teaspoons of cumin in 200ml of water brewing. Taken three times a day before meals. Resolves spleen tumor spleen the Attachment of cumin mixed with olive oil Brain, organs of vision 1. Improves brain activity.
2. Strengthens and restores sight 1 tsp of cumin mixed with 1 tsp honey taken three times a day Respiratory tract 1. Clears the respiratory tract when the disease bronchitis and cough with mucus.
2. calms the nervous system 2 tsp cumin 200 ml of water to pass through the water bath 15...20 minutes, to insist 40 minutes, drain. Taken three times a day for 100 ml For nursing mothers Increase the tide of milk 1.Powder of cumin in equal parts with sugar, taken three times a day.
2.A decoction of cumin seeds in milk or water taken three times a day. Amnesia, insomnia, half a teaspoon of powder of cumin, pour a glass of warm milk, add a tablespoon of honey to drink before going to bed. Useful this recipe and kids in the small quantities that cry at night for no apparent reason. Skin diseases Is antiseptic. Helps to dissolve tumors, various skin swelling(acne, pimples, rashes, dermatitis) to Prepare a paste consisting of 0.5 Cup crushed cumin seeds, 200 g olive oil 100 g anise oil are mixed thoroughly, cool and place on sore spot Rheumatism, neuralgia, arthritis pain relief to Prepare a paste consisting of 0.5 Cup crushed cumin seeds, 200 g olive oil 100 g of anise oil to be mixed thoroughly and warmed to put on the sore spot. Multiple sclerosis 1. Successfully replaces expensive Phlogenzym and baclofen.
2. Relieves symptoms of painful, burning sensation in the feet. 0.5 cups ground cumin pour 200 ml of purified medical alcohol, 200 ml of linseed oil. insist in a sealed container at a temperature of 20...24 degrees. Take 10...15 ml three times a day for 2...3 hours before eating... Decrease in sexual activity for men Stimulates the sexual function to Prepare the infusion: a glass comminuted to a powder of cumin, a Cup of crushed ginger, 0.5 anise seeds to fill in 0,7-1 l purified medical alcohol 70...90%, infuse in an airtight container for at least 7 days, turning it daily. Take 25 ml three times daily. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: deluxe.com.ua/articles/spice-and-health/zira-poleznie-svoistva.html
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