10 things that should be in the bathroom

Some things a woman should have in her bathroom if she wants to make their life easier. Here is a list of the top 10 natural foods that every woman must have in her bathroom:
1. Lavender essential oil
This is one of the most versatile essential oils for the body. You can add a few drops of lavender in a bath. Lavender essential oil will give the body a pleasant aroma and will contribute to the health of the skin. Oil but buy only reputable brands, otherwise you may harm your health.
2. Corn starch
Dermatologists recommend not to wash your hair every day. But what if the hair on the second day look stale? It's very simple — take dry shampoo with corn starch. Take an empty spice container that has a lid with holes, and there pour corn starch. Always keep a container on hand for those days when we just need to Restyle the hair. Sprinkle a little starch in your hands and RUB it. Then massage your hair roots and dry it with a Hairdryer if necessary.
3. Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) or magnesium chloride
Epsom salt may seem like a miracle when you are tired and feel you need to relax a little. Add a few cups of salt into a warm bath. It is not only incredibly relaxing, but also good for health and also help you ease the feeling of fatigue. Your body gets magnesium. Just add 1-4 cups of Epsom salts in the bath. If you've never tried to take a bath with Epsom salts, add one Cup at first and gradually increase the dose. This bath may make you a little sleepy, so it is best to take before bedtime.
4. Baking soda
Baking soda is a must in any bathroom it is not replaceable antacid. You can use baking soda for many uses — from cleaning surfaces before soaking toothbrushes. With this inexpensive product can save you time and money.
5. Coconut oil or jojoba oil
You've probably already heard about the beneficial properties of coconut oil. If you have not purchased this useful product, be sure to do it. You can use it for the whole body as a moisturizer. It is also great for removing makeup and pulled skin. If coconut oil doesn't work for your skin, jojoba oil is an alternative.
6. Shower cap
Washing hair every day does not add health to your hair, so use a shower cap when you shower.
7. Exfoliating gloves
These gloves will help make your skin soft and help prevent ingrown hairs. Use them for full body peeling to eliminate dead skin cells. But you should not use them too often, as this may cause skin irritation.
10. Castile soap
This product can be used for many purposes. You can make your own Castile soap and use it for different purposes: for body wash and for cleaning baths, toilets, sinks (with a small amount of baking soda).
Source: www.1001sovet.info/vas-muchaet-izzhoga.html
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