Motivation is not for the faint of heart: 10 reasons to quit your job
James Altucher: "I'll tell you why you should quit your job. Why you need to bring ideas in motion. Why you need to build a Foundation for your life, otherwise soon you will not have a roof."
The middle class is dead.
A few weeks ago I visited my friend who's shoveling trillions of dollars. No joke. Trillions. If I gave You the family he worked for you would say, "they Have a trillion? Yeah?" But that's what happens when $10 million are under 2% over 200 years.
He said, "Look out the window." We visited all the office buildings around us. "What do you see?" he asked. "I don't know." "They are empty! All the offices are empty. The middle class is devastated." And I looked up. Entire floors were dark. Were floors with one or two offices, but most were empty. "It's all outsourced or technology has taken over scribblers" — he said.
"Not so bad, he said. — Upper class has joined more people than last year. But more and more people become temporary employees than ever."
And here is a new paradigm. The middle class died. The American dream never existed in reality. It was a marketing ploy.
It was. The largest supplier of mortgage loans in the past 50 years, Fannie Mae was the slogan: "We make the American dream a reality". It was just a marketing slogan, always. How many times have I cried because of him. And then they destroyed that dream.
You will be replaced.
Technology, outsourcing, a growth industry temporary part-time, increased productivity — all replaced the middle class. The working class. Most jobs that existed 20 years ago, now not needed. Maybe they never were needed. All first decade of this century was held for CEOS in their Park Avenue clubs crying with a cigar in his teeth, "How are we going to fire all this dead weight?" 2008 finally gave them a chance. "It's the economy!" — they said. The country has emerged from the doldrums in 2009. Four years ago. But the jobs never came back. I have asked many of these CEOS: did you just use it as an excuse to fire people, and they winked and said, "Let's just leave it as it is."
I am on the Board of Directors of the company engaged in temporary employment, with $600 million in revenue. I see that this is happening in all sectors of the economy. All fired. Everything now is just toilet paper.
In the furnace.
Corporations do not love you.
Executive editor of the flagship news invited me to lunch to ask for advice on how to increase traffic to their web site. But before I could talk he started complaining to me: "Our best authors continue to put twitter signatures in their articles and then when they get more followers they start asking for promotion."
"So what's the problem? — I asked. — Don't you need a popular and respected authors?"
When I say "flagship news" I mean the MAIN.
He said, "No, we just want to make news. We don't need stars".
In other words, its main task is to destroy the career aspirations of the most talented people, people who swore my loyalty to him, people who worked for him 90 hours a week. If they only worked 30 hours a week and were slightly more mediocre he would have been happy. But he doesn't like you. He wants you to stay in your hole, and it will from time to time to throw you food in exchange for your excrement. If someone reading is a reporter and wants to contact me personally, I'll tell you who it was. But in principle, they are all the same. Every one of them.
Money is not happiness.
A frequent question asked me at least once a week in Twitter: "Should I get a job that I like, or should I find a job that pays more money?".
Leaving aside the question "Should I do to get a job", let's for a moment talk about money.
First, the science: studies show that the increase in wages gives a close to zero increase in "happiness" above a certain level. Why? Because of the simple fact: people spend all they earn. If your salary increases to $5000 dollars, you spend an extra $2000 for accessories for your car, you start the novel, you buy a new computer, bigger sofa, large TV, and then you ask: "And where did all the money go?" Even if none of the above you don't need, you need one more thing: another increase in salary, so go back to the corporate casino for one more turn of the wheel roulette salary. I have never seen someone put the excess wages.
In other words, don't stay at work for payroll measured handouts. It will never lead you to what you need for freedom from financial hassles. Only free time, imagination, creativity and ability to disappear will help you to create that value that no one has ever created before in human history.
Count right now how many people can make an important decision that will ruin your life.
I don't like when one person can create or destroy me. Boss. Publisher. TV producer. The buyer of my company. At one point I have to kowtow to them. I hate it. I will never do it again.
The only way to avoid this situation is to diversify Your activities, when no particular person — the buyer, boss or client will not be able to make such a decision that can make You rich or destroy You, to fulfill a lifelong dream or destroy them. I understand that this does not happen in one day. Start planning the creation of his own destiny now, instead of letting people who You don't like to control her. When you count, make sure the number goes up to 20. In this case, when the rotation of the roulette wheel chances of winning numbers will be on your side.
Does your job suit your needs?
I will explain the concept of "needs" as I always do, on the basis of what I call "daily practice". Met your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs?
The only time I got a job that suited me, was when I had to work a little, and I've always had time on the side to writing articles, starting a business, or having fun with friends. At other times, I was working too hard, dealing with people who I didn't like that constantly destroying my creativity. When You are in such conditions, you need to develop your exit strategy.
Your hands are not created in order to write notes. Or send the papers via Fax. Or keep the phone talking to people you don't like. In a hundred years your hands will be ashes to rot in your grave. You must find the best use of those hands now. Kiss your hands so that they can perform magic.
Someone can argue, "not everyone can meet all these needs at work." It's true. But since we already know that the salary will not make You happy, You can easily modify lifestyle and work to at least satisfy more of your needs. And the more these needs are satisfied, the more You will create conditions in order to let the life of true abundance.
Your life is a house. Abundance is the roof. But the Foundation and plumbing play a primary role, otherwise the roof will fall and the house will become uninhabitable. You create the Foundation by following the Daily Practice. I say this not because I sell something, but because it works for me every time my roof is collapsing. My house was bombed, it was cold and searing winds stung my face, but I managed to build it all over again. This is my personal experience.
Erase its pension plan.
I don't care how You reflect in your Declaration 401k. It's all over. The myth of the savings disappeared. Inflation will eat most of Your 401k. And in order to cash in on that retirement plan You have to live a really long time, doing the things You like to do. And finally, You are 80 and You live in a cave, leading lethargic lifestyle, barely getting warm in the night.
The only retirement plan is to Find Yourself. To start a business, project, or new way of life in which You will be able to forget about the constant thoughts about money. Some may say, "Well, I'm just not an entrepreneur."
That's not true. Everyone is an entrepreneur. The only skills you need to be an entrepreneur: the ability to endure setbacks, the ability to have ideas, to promote these ideas, run those ideas and to be persistent so that even when You fail You learn and move on to the next idea. Or to be an entrepreneur at work. "Salaried entrepreneur". Take control of who you report to, what you do, what you create. Or start a business on the side. Create some value, any value, for someone, for someone, and see how this value is embedded in Your career.
What other choice do You have? To stay on the job, where the boss tries to pull You down, will eventually replace You, will pay as much just have enough to survive, will rush from compliments to insults so that You will be caught on bait fish, while he will pull the bait. Is this your best choice? You and I have the same 24 hours every day. And that's how You will spend them?
"I'm too old." "I'm not creative." "I need insurance". "I have to raise the children." I was once at a party. A stunningly beautiful woman came up to me and said, "James, Hey, what's up??"
WHAT? Who are you?
I said, "hi! I have everything in order". But I had no idea who I'm talking to. Why is this woman talking to me? I was too ugly. I had a few minutes to play along in the conversation to figure out who she was.
It turned out that it was the old woman who six months ago quit her job where we worked together. She cried, taking my things from the office when she was fired. She was always disheveled and looked about 30 years older than it actually is, and while her life was falling into hell. Until she realized that she got out of the zoo.
In the film, George Lucas, THX-1138 (that was the name of the protagonist), the desire of each suppressed, and all people live underground because the earth is radioactive. Finally THX decides better to die on the ground than suffer forever underground where he's not allowed to love. He was not free. He made his way to the ground, evading all the guards and police. And when he got there it was Sunny. All the people on earth are beautiful, and they are waiting for him with open arms and kisses. The excuse "but there is radiation!" was just to hold him down.
"Easy for you to say,- tell me many. — Some of us HAVE to do it!" And the lovely woman in front of me also had to do it. "What are you doing now? I asked her. — Oh, you know — she said — Consulting".
But some people say: "I can't just go out and counseling. What can it mean?" To which I reply, "Yes, I agree with you." Who am I to argue? If someone insists that they have to sit in prison even if the door isn't locked, I'm not going to argue. They have the right to remain in prison.
To move baby steps — this is normal.
"I can't just LEAVE! — people say. — I have to deal with the debt." I understand. No one is saying quit today. Before people run a marathon they learn to crawl, then move in small steps, then walk, then run. Then practice every day and maintain health. Then run a marathon. Hell, what am I talking about? I can't run more than two miles without an attack of agony. I'm a wuss.
Make a list right now. Every dream.
Abundance never comes from your work.
Only after leaving prison that You're trapped from birth, You will be able to achieve abundance. You don't see it now. Hard to see the gardens when you are locked up in prison. Abundance only comes when You move your plants. When You truly improve the lives of people around.
When every day You Wake up with this desire to improve. Do the best to Your family, friends, colleagues, customers, potential customers, readers, people You don't even know, but would like to meet you. Become a beacon of enhancement and then when it begins to get dark, all ships will move towards You, bringing their inexhaustible wealth.
Don't believe me. Stay with a boss who hates You. With a job that keeps You on the circuit, seducing permanent increases in salary and progress up the career ladder. Stay in the culture that quietly replaces the entire middle class. This is not someone's fault. This is the tectonic plates of Economics destroying an entire provincial culture that continues nearly 100 years.
Until You set yourself up for success and all that that choice entails, You will be locked up in jail. You will look into the eyes of your partner, in search of a hint on whether You love him or her. But slowly the light will fade, the warmth of another body will grow cold, and You once again go to sleep dreamless in the dark.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/pochemu?w=wall-42307767_286831
The middle class is dead.
A few weeks ago I visited my friend who's shoveling trillions of dollars. No joke. Trillions. If I gave You the family he worked for you would say, "they Have a trillion? Yeah?" But that's what happens when $10 million are under 2% over 200 years.
He said, "Look out the window." We visited all the office buildings around us. "What do you see?" he asked. "I don't know." "They are empty! All the offices are empty. The middle class is devastated." And I looked up. Entire floors were dark. Were floors with one or two offices, but most were empty. "It's all outsourced or technology has taken over scribblers" — he said.
"Not so bad, he said. — Upper class has joined more people than last year. But more and more people become temporary employees than ever."

And here is a new paradigm. The middle class died. The American dream never existed in reality. It was a marketing ploy.
It was. The largest supplier of mortgage loans in the past 50 years, Fannie Mae was the slogan: "We make the American dream a reality". It was just a marketing slogan, always. How many times have I cried because of him. And then they destroyed that dream.
You will be replaced.
Technology, outsourcing, a growth industry temporary part-time, increased productivity — all replaced the middle class. The working class. Most jobs that existed 20 years ago, now not needed. Maybe they never were needed. All first decade of this century was held for CEOS in their Park Avenue clubs crying with a cigar in his teeth, "How are we going to fire all this dead weight?" 2008 finally gave them a chance. "It's the economy!" — they said. The country has emerged from the doldrums in 2009. Four years ago. But the jobs never came back. I have asked many of these CEOS: did you just use it as an excuse to fire people, and they winked and said, "Let's just leave it as it is."
I am on the Board of Directors of the company engaged in temporary employment, with $600 million in revenue. I see that this is happening in all sectors of the economy. All fired. Everything now is just toilet paper.
In the furnace.
Corporations do not love you.
Executive editor of the flagship news invited me to lunch to ask for advice on how to increase traffic to their web site. But before I could talk he started complaining to me: "Our best authors continue to put twitter signatures in their articles and then when they get more followers they start asking for promotion."
"So what's the problem? — I asked. — Don't you need a popular and respected authors?"
When I say "flagship news" I mean the MAIN.
He said, "No, we just want to make news. We don't need stars".
In other words, its main task is to destroy the career aspirations of the most talented people, people who swore my loyalty to him, people who worked for him 90 hours a week. If they only worked 30 hours a week and were slightly more mediocre he would have been happy. But he doesn't like you. He wants you to stay in your hole, and it will from time to time to throw you food in exchange for your excrement. If someone reading is a reporter and wants to contact me personally, I'll tell you who it was. But in principle, they are all the same. Every one of them.
Money is not happiness.
A frequent question asked me at least once a week in Twitter: "Should I get a job that I like, or should I find a job that pays more money?".
Leaving aside the question "Should I do to get a job", let's for a moment talk about money.
First, the science: studies show that the increase in wages gives a close to zero increase in "happiness" above a certain level. Why? Because of the simple fact: people spend all they earn. If your salary increases to $5000 dollars, you spend an extra $2000 for accessories for your car, you start the novel, you buy a new computer, bigger sofa, large TV, and then you ask: "And where did all the money go?" Even if none of the above you don't need, you need one more thing: another increase in salary, so go back to the corporate casino for one more turn of the wheel roulette salary. I have never seen someone put the excess wages.
In other words, don't stay at work for payroll measured handouts. It will never lead you to what you need for freedom from financial hassles. Only free time, imagination, creativity and ability to disappear will help you to create that value that no one has ever created before in human history.
Count right now how many people can make an important decision that will ruin your life.
I don't like when one person can create or destroy me. Boss. Publisher. TV producer. The buyer of my company. At one point I have to kowtow to them. I hate it. I will never do it again.
The only way to avoid this situation is to diversify Your activities, when no particular person — the buyer, boss or client will not be able to make such a decision that can make You rich or destroy You, to fulfill a lifelong dream or destroy them. I understand that this does not happen in one day. Start planning the creation of his own destiny now, instead of letting people who You don't like to control her. When you count, make sure the number goes up to 20. In this case, when the rotation of the roulette wheel chances of winning numbers will be on your side.
Does your job suit your needs?
I will explain the concept of "needs" as I always do, on the basis of what I call "daily practice". Met your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs?
The only time I got a job that suited me, was when I had to work a little, and I've always had time on the side to writing articles, starting a business, or having fun with friends. At other times, I was working too hard, dealing with people who I didn't like that constantly destroying my creativity. When You are in such conditions, you need to develop your exit strategy.
Your hands are not created in order to write notes. Or send the papers via Fax. Or keep the phone talking to people you don't like. In a hundred years your hands will be ashes to rot in your grave. You must find the best use of those hands now. Kiss your hands so that they can perform magic.
Someone can argue, "not everyone can meet all these needs at work." It's true. But since we already know that the salary will not make You happy, You can easily modify lifestyle and work to at least satisfy more of your needs. And the more these needs are satisfied, the more You will create conditions in order to let the life of true abundance.
Your life is a house. Abundance is the roof. But the Foundation and plumbing play a primary role, otherwise the roof will fall and the house will become uninhabitable. You create the Foundation by following the Daily Practice. I say this not because I sell something, but because it works for me every time my roof is collapsing. My house was bombed, it was cold and searing winds stung my face, but I managed to build it all over again. This is my personal experience.
Erase its pension plan.
I don't care how You reflect in your Declaration 401k. It's all over. The myth of the savings disappeared. Inflation will eat most of Your 401k. And in order to cash in on that retirement plan You have to live a really long time, doing the things You like to do. And finally, You are 80 and You live in a cave, leading lethargic lifestyle, barely getting warm in the night.
The only retirement plan is to Find Yourself. To start a business, project, or new way of life in which You will be able to forget about the constant thoughts about money. Some may say, "Well, I'm just not an entrepreneur."
That's not true. Everyone is an entrepreneur. The only skills you need to be an entrepreneur: the ability to endure setbacks, the ability to have ideas, to promote these ideas, run those ideas and to be persistent so that even when You fail You learn and move on to the next idea. Or to be an entrepreneur at work. "Salaried entrepreneur". Take control of who you report to, what you do, what you create. Or start a business on the side. Create some value, any value, for someone, for someone, and see how this value is embedded in Your career.
What other choice do You have? To stay on the job, where the boss tries to pull You down, will eventually replace You, will pay as much just have enough to survive, will rush from compliments to insults so that You will be caught on bait fish, while he will pull the bait. Is this your best choice? You and I have the same 24 hours every day. And that's how You will spend them?
"I'm too old." "I'm not creative." "I need insurance". "I have to raise the children." I was once at a party. A stunningly beautiful woman came up to me and said, "James, Hey, what's up??"
WHAT? Who are you?
I said, "hi! I have everything in order". But I had no idea who I'm talking to. Why is this woman talking to me? I was too ugly. I had a few minutes to play along in the conversation to figure out who she was.
It turned out that it was the old woman who six months ago quit her job where we worked together. She cried, taking my things from the office when she was fired. She was always disheveled and looked about 30 years older than it actually is, and while her life was falling into hell. Until she realized that she got out of the zoo.
In the film, George Lucas, THX-1138 (that was the name of the protagonist), the desire of each suppressed, and all people live underground because the earth is radioactive. Finally THX decides better to die on the ground than suffer forever underground where he's not allowed to love. He was not free. He made his way to the ground, evading all the guards and police. And when he got there it was Sunny. All the people on earth are beautiful, and they are waiting for him with open arms and kisses. The excuse "but there is radiation!" was just to hold him down.
"Easy for you to say,- tell me many. — Some of us HAVE to do it!" And the lovely woman in front of me also had to do it. "What are you doing now? I asked her. — Oh, you know — she said — Consulting".
But some people say: "I can't just go out and counseling. What can it mean?" To which I reply, "Yes, I agree with you." Who am I to argue? If someone insists that they have to sit in prison even if the door isn't locked, I'm not going to argue. They have the right to remain in prison.
To move baby steps — this is normal.
"I can't just LEAVE! — people say. — I have to deal with the debt." I understand. No one is saying quit today. Before people run a marathon they learn to crawl, then move in small steps, then walk, then run. Then practice every day and maintain health. Then run a marathon. Hell, what am I talking about? I can't run more than two miles without an attack of agony. I'm a wuss.
Make a list right now. Every dream.
- I want to be a bestselling author.
- I want to reduce my material needs.
- I want to be free from many troubles, the victims of which have I been all my life.
- I want to be healthy.
- I want to help all people around me or people that come into my life.
- I want everything I do, was a source of relief for people.
- I want to be around only those people I love and who love me.
- I want to have time for himself.
Abundance never comes from your work.
Only after leaving prison that You're trapped from birth, You will be able to achieve abundance. You don't see it now. Hard to see the gardens when you are locked up in prison. Abundance only comes when You move your plants. When You truly improve the lives of people around.
When every day You Wake up with this desire to improve. Do the best to Your family, friends, colleagues, customers, potential customers, readers, people You don't even know, but would like to meet you. Become a beacon of enhancement and then when it begins to get dark, all ships will move towards You, bringing their inexhaustible wealth.
Don't believe me. Stay with a boss who hates You. With a job that keeps You on the circuit, seducing permanent increases in salary and progress up the career ladder. Stay in the culture that quietly replaces the entire middle class. This is not someone's fault. This is the tectonic plates of Economics destroying an entire provincial culture that continues nearly 100 years.
Until You set yourself up for success and all that that choice entails, You will be locked up in jail. You will look into the eyes of your partner, in search of a hint on whether You love him or her. But slowly the light will fade, the warmth of another body will grow cold, and You once again go to sleep dreamless in the dark.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/pochemu?w=wall-42307767_286831