23 women's habits, which it is time to quit
The phrase that the worst enemy of man — he himself, has become common place. However, this is something there. We often are passive-aggressive themselves, striving for the ideal in life, in relationships and in self-development. Honestly, it's extremely tiring.
So we're going to abandon the 23 bad habits and believe it is worthwhile to make all women. Of course, easier said than done, but, according to another General place, if you fail first time, succeed the second or third.

1. Apologizing all the time. According to studies, women apologize more often than men. Of course, for their mistakes to be answered, but the constant apologizing for the fact that I had to ask the waiter to count each separately, to reschedule or to complain friend for trouble, doing more harm than good. It is not necessary to evaluate every action.Respect their preferences and decisions.
2. To say "Yes" to all but himself. Yes, we'll meet for a Cup of coffee, even though I'm tired and want only one thing: to get home and crawl under the covers. Yes, I will edit your resume, although the throat is mired in his own work. Yeah, I'm with you on the "double date" with your five minutes boyfriend and his hideous friend, we stopped to visit. Stop settling for what you really don't want to. If you set boundaries, people respect you more.
3. To say "no." Many women spend a lot of time reasoning that you cannot or should not do, or what they are not. Do not allow your fears and anxiety to make decisions for you. So you miss a valuable event. So you should go and talk to a group of people that you think you are fit, contrary to common sense to walk until late at night or treat yourself to some delicacies, even if you can do without them.
4. To look at food as the enemy. Women are often taught that their value — in appearance. Hair must be perfectly straight or perfectly curled, makeup applied at any time (but it has to look natural), and the figure is stunning (that is slim). If you try to meet these impossible standards, it's easy to assume the food is not pleasure, but an object of struggle. Treat all the things that allow you to get into the body, consciously (in the end, the body you have one), but try to get rid of feelings of guilt. Enjoy every bite of gnocchi with Gorgonzola, mint ice cream with chocolate chips or fresh tomatoes.Regret is a bad condiment to the food. As written Nora Ephron, "I often fell in love, made a lot of mistakes, almost all of them regretted, but never regretted eaten while potatoes."

5. To speak ill of your appearance, aloud or in the mind. Stop to derogatory comments about their appearance. Point. Nothing good will come of it, except in cases where you are discussing the relation to your body with the therapist.
6. To feel like an imposter when people thought about their professional achievements.Women more often than men feel "samozvanka" and often doubt if they deserve their success. Pay tribute to your achievements. You were promoted, took on a new job or public praise because you deserve it.
7. Manic uncheck each "ugly" photos in social networks. Of course, not want to when you first click on the profile on Facebook had a photo where you blinked. But often we with persistence, worthy the best application, try to get a picture showing us in an imperfect form. It is not only that so we are even more worried about their appearance — people will hang out all they want and it is virtually impossible to control. In addition, the album network virtually replaced the photo albums on paper. Might not want to think what a face you made at the prom with your brother, but perhaps many years later you will want to remember this moment.
8. To compare your real life with a virtual stranger. Do not get hung up on their own network way, spending a lot of time and nerves. However, it is equally harmful to dwell on the virtual masks of other people. According to studies, the dependence on social networks is directly linked to low self-esteem. Every woman thought so, sitting on the couch on Monday evening and looking at vacation photos of a former boyfriend or rave reviews of a friend — an employee of a glossy magazine — about the party with the participation of a crowd of celebrities. You don't have to compare — according to the researchers, this adds to the depressed state. Better close the laptop and enjoy the present. In any case, it really is.
9. For a long time to hold onto regrets and guilt. As he said to Lena Dunham at the festival of the newspaper "the new Yorker" in 2012, "I regrets". Regret and guilt plagued only those who are experiencing them. Realize what regret, what remorse, and then move on.
10. Wearing shoes with heels every day. Tell me, why every day to squeeze your poor feet in stiletto heels. Luxurious "boat" is beautiful, but comfortable shoes not only facilitate the daily journey to work, but will improve the health of the feet for many years to come. In addition, flat shoes are very stylish.

11. To condemn other women for their personal life. No woman deserves to be bullied for who she sleeps with or how he expresses his sexuality. As soon as you next going to call another woman a "prude" or "slut" close the mouth of the castle. Should not be called a slut even Miley Cyrus for her antics.
12. To condemn myself for my personal life. Why would anyone know how much did you have partners? By and large, what you might think of your personal life, the biggest concern you and not others.
13. Try to be calm. Maybe you do play it cool and most of all love to relax with a beer and your favorite movie. But if you don't have the "gene level", then stop pretending.Trying to be calm and pleasant at any time prevent us to Express our needs, desires and opinions.
14. Afraid of being branded "crazy." The feelings and opinions of women are very easy to distort enough to accuse her of being too emotional. "I think the idea that women are "crazy", did not arise as a result of massive conspiracy," wrote the journalist Yasar Ali in his blog on the Huffington Post website in 2011. "It is likely that a slow and steady rhythm of their existence is constantly ignored and devalued". Fear of the label "crazy" does nothing but inability to Express their thoughts and feelings. In addition, a certain craziness there at all, regardless of gender.

15. To consult medical sites for every sneeze. If you have a week swollen tonsils, it does not mean that you have throat cancer. If you are really concerned about your health, take a break from network doctors and go to a real doctor.
16. Upset that your life is not like Pinterest. You are Martha Stewart. Perhaps you will never get your own hands to make a shelf for books. But if You try to cook a particular dish using a recipe from the network, it will look not as appetizing as the photo.
17. Fear of being alone. Some things are in your power. For example, you can often go out and actively meet new people. But some things are simply not amenable to control. Finding a partner for life (and even for the time) — it is from this category. It is impossible to identify when, where and how you will meet the man with whom to spend life. So stop torturing yourself with thoughts that you will never succeed. Besides, there are worse things than loneliness. As once told Shirley MacLaine, "is no more intimate relationship than those that bind you to yourself." I subscribe to every word.
18. To maintain a relationship for the sake of the relationship. If the prospect of being alone leads you into the horror, the worst thing you can do is to rush headlong into an unnecessary you. If you contact the wrong person, only a desire to acquire a couple, nothing good will come of it. In the very first article of the column Huffington Post devoted to divorce Nora Ephron wrote: "Marriages come and go, but divorce is forever."
19. Not to take holidays. More Americans miss a few days of paid vacation, despite the known fact that people rested, healthy and happy life, likely to work better. We swear: no one will die if you turn off your cell phone and go to the mountains for the weekend.

20. To support the "toxic fun". As soon as possible eliminate from your life "sworn friends" like Regina George from "mean girls". Life is too short to waste it on people, drop your self-esteem through the floor.
21. To maintain the relationship out of duty. Not necessarily that you have something in common with the girl with whom you were inseparable in Junior high. It is not necessary to see all of them long-standing friends and distant relatives, bystanders. Consciously choose with whom to spend time, and let some relationships naturally drift past.
22. To be ashamed of their Hobbies. "I want to be a feminist and wear a blouse with an open collar. So what?" said Zooey Deschanel in an interview with Glamour magazine in February 2013. Take her example and stop worrying about how you supposedly should look, what to think and say. If you like cute girly stuff like cute girlie stuff. Don't like and don't. Take for granted that you know little about music, I love hockey and have a weakness at the same time to the TV series "breaking bad" and reality show "Real Housewives of Beverly hills". But if you do not understand something and suddenly met a specialist on it? Take the opportunity to ask him.

23. To set milestones for important events. Don't try to plan carefully, by what date you need to meet a loved one, have children, get a job of your dreams or buy a luxurious mansion. Enjoy life's unpredictability and allow yourself to go crazy with joy when these milestones are achieved, or be pleasantly surprised when you realize that one of the points or even all the items I want to remove.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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