Just 1 teaspoon of this per day will help you burn 3 times more fat
Many people who are overweight have already tried a variety of drinks, promising a speedy deliverance from excess fat. Recent studies indicate that the best results were obtained remedies based on herbs and spices.
Eighty six million nine hundred eighty five thousand two hundred seventy
How to lose weight quickly without dietingCumin (Jeera) — in fact, the most common spice used in Eastern cuisine. It looks very similar to cumin, but taste and aroma are quite different. Bright nutty flavor is incredibly enriches vegetable dishes, rice, poultry, lamb.
Eighteen million four hundred fifty eight thousand four hundred fifty five
In ancient times, this seasoning is used to treat gallstones, bloating, in the form of lotions applied to wounds. Nursing mothers Zira was used to prevent colic in babies. Cumin protects the intestine, liver, kidney against the development of cancer, improves the immune system and releases cells from free radicals.
Another amazing feature of cumin — effective reduction of cholesterol and accelerate metabolism. Tea with the addition of this spice quickly reduces appetite, gives a feeling of satiety, and also gently removes excess fluid from the tissues. Due to the stimulation of intestinal peristalsis and blood circulation, this drink enhances the effect of any diet, even health.
To get a unique drink for weight loss, bury it in a thermos 2 tsp. green tea 3 tsp cumin, pour 500 ml of hot water and let it brew. Drink the tea between meals.
The use of cumin and many other spices, is contraindicated for people suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis with high acidity.
Pay attention to this spice, if you want to speed up the process of weight loss 3 times! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: takprosto.cc/kak-bystro-pohudet-bez-diet/
Eighty six million nine hundred eighty five thousand two hundred seventy
How to lose weight quickly without dietingCumin (Jeera) — in fact, the most common spice used in Eastern cuisine. It looks very similar to cumin, but taste and aroma are quite different. Bright nutty flavor is incredibly enriches vegetable dishes, rice, poultry, lamb.
Eighteen million four hundred fifty eight thousand four hundred fifty five
In ancient times, this seasoning is used to treat gallstones, bloating, in the form of lotions applied to wounds. Nursing mothers Zira was used to prevent colic in babies. Cumin protects the intestine, liver, kidney against the development of cancer, improves the immune system and releases cells from free radicals.
Another amazing feature of cumin — effective reduction of cholesterol and accelerate metabolism. Tea with the addition of this spice quickly reduces appetite, gives a feeling of satiety, and also gently removes excess fluid from the tissues. Due to the stimulation of intestinal peristalsis and blood circulation, this drink enhances the effect of any diet, even health.
To get a unique drink for weight loss, bury it in a thermos 2 tsp. green tea 3 tsp cumin, pour 500 ml of hot water and let it brew. Drink the tea between meals.
The use of cumin and many other spices, is contraindicated for people suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis with high acidity.
Pay attention to this spice, if you want to speed up the process of weight loss 3 times! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: takprosto.cc/kak-bystro-pohudet-bez-diet/