How to grow organic cabbage crop — the secrets of experienced gardeners
Cabbage is attacked by many pests (cabbage fly, cabbage flea, caterpillar of cabbage white butterflies and other leaf-eating pests), and therefore requires the adoption of protection measures.
How to cope with them and to grow organic crops, suggest experienced gardeners.
Cabbage caterpillar
Mix in one hundred weight parts of water three parts salt, two parts lime, and this mixture sprayed the beds with an ordinary sprayer, and if there is no sprayer, it can be replaced with ordinary garden watering can with a thick and a thin sieve.
Spraying is done two nights, when the caterpillars are still young, as in adults, the caterpillars of this tool does not act immediately, and have to spray several times that can adversely act on plants.
By the conviction of gardeners, two treatments cabbage the specified tool does not affect the taste, which did not differ from the taste of raw cabbage. After spraying and the subsequent generation of caterpillars also do not touch cabbage.
Without a doubt, the naked slug is one of the most frustrating and elusive enemies of cabbage, because it is nasty, mostly in the evening and at night, when the garden does not disappoint. Therefore, to fight with him difficult.
Pesticides, especially on early varieties of cabbage cannot be used, so the range of treatment for this pest is limited. To fight help folk remedies.
As you know, the slug is not resistant to high temperature. Therefore, the patch of early cabbage should be covered with old clear tape. At night, the pest is always going under it. The day the soil under the film is heated by the rays of the sun, and the slug dies because it can not withstand such heat.
This method is all good for early cabbage, but it is not suitable for the cabbage, mid-season and late. Because on hot summer days, plants may suffer from overheating of the roots. Given this, instead of tape, use watering plants with hot water (about 60°), because slugs are already killed at a temperature of 40°.
To carry out such watering is necessary at dusk, when the pest has already crawls on the leaves, but still light enough for him to see.
Also interesting: SMART GARDEN Zamyatkina — 2000 kg with a weave!
Container garden on the terrace, on the balcony in the apartment!
Slugs die as soon as they receive the hot water, but the cabbage does not suffer from it. Moreover, after processing a hot shower disappear aphids and other pests of this crop.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/project_aoj?w=wall-53900174_15785
How to cope with them and to grow organic crops, suggest experienced gardeners.

Cabbage caterpillar
Mix in one hundred weight parts of water three parts salt, two parts lime, and this mixture sprayed the beds with an ordinary sprayer, and if there is no sprayer, it can be replaced with ordinary garden watering can with a thick and a thin sieve.
Spraying is done two nights, when the caterpillars are still young, as in adults, the caterpillars of this tool does not act immediately, and have to spray several times that can adversely act on plants.
By the conviction of gardeners, two treatments cabbage the specified tool does not affect the taste, which did not differ from the taste of raw cabbage. After spraying and the subsequent generation of caterpillars also do not touch cabbage.
Without a doubt, the naked slug is one of the most frustrating and elusive enemies of cabbage, because it is nasty, mostly in the evening and at night, when the garden does not disappoint. Therefore, to fight with him difficult.
Pesticides, especially on early varieties of cabbage cannot be used, so the range of treatment for this pest is limited. To fight help folk remedies.
As you know, the slug is not resistant to high temperature. Therefore, the patch of early cabbage should be covered with old clear tape. At night, the pest is always going under it. The day the soil under the film is heated by the rays of the sun, and the slug dies because it can not withstand such heat.
This method is all good for early cabbage, but it is not suitable for the cabbage, mid-season and late. Because on hot summer days, plants may suffer from overheating of the roots. Given this, instead of tape, use watering plants with hot water (about 60°), because slugs are already killed at a temperature of 40°.
To carry out such watering is necessary at dusk, when the pest has already crawls on the leaves, but still light enough for him to see.
Also interesting: SMART GARDEN Zamyatkina — 2000 kg with a weave!
Container garden on the terrace, on the balcony in the apartment!
Slugs die as soon as they receive the hot water, but the cabbage does not suffer from it. Moreover, after processing a hot shower disappear aphids and other pests of this crop.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/project_aoj?w=wall-53900174_15785
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