In Parfino was put into operation energy-efficient house
At the end of July this year put into operation a pilot energy-efficient residential building, built with the assistance of the Project of UN development Program (UNDP) and Global environment facility (GEF), "energy Efficiency of buildings in the North-West of Russia".
New three-storey 22-apartment house was built under the program of resettlement of citizens of the Novgorod region from the emergency Fund. The UNDP-GEF project in the framework of joint implementation of this project funded the installation of energy-saving engineering equipment, lighting, additional insulation of external enclosing structures.
The house is built using energy-saving technologies. In a new house additionally insulated façades, basement and attic floors, the Windows are triple-pane Windows with energy-saving coating and filled with argon, and all radiators equipped with balancing valves and thermostats.
Constructed of modular individual heating unit (gas boiler), which in automatic mode is able to adjust the temperature schedule of heating depending on the air temperature in the street and in apartments. In combination with the dispatching system this solution will allow to exclude paratope and saving heat energy.
Other innovative solutions implemented when building a house, you can select supply and exhaust ventilation with heat exchangers installed in each dwelling that retains heat inside the house and lighting of public areas with energy-saving lamps and motion sensors, which will significantly save energy.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: greenevolution.ru/2016/08/03/v-parfino-vveli-v-ekspluataciyu-energoeffektivnyj-dom/

New three-storey 22-apartment house was built under the program of resettlement of citizens of the Novgorod region from the emergency Fund. The UNDP-GEF project in the framework of joint implementation of this project funded the installation of energy-saving engineering equipment, lighting, additional insulation of external enclosing structures.
The house is built using energy-saving technologies. In a new house additionally insulated façades, basement and attic floors, the Windows are triple-pane Windows with energy-saving coating and filled with argon, and all radiators equipped with balancing valves and thermostats.
Constructed of modular individual heating unit (gas boiler), which in automatic mode is able to adjust the temperature schedule of heating depending on the air temperature in the street and in apartments. In combination with the dispatching system this solution will allow to exclude paratope and saving heat energy.

Other innovative solutions implemented when building a house, you can select supply and exhaust ventilation with heat exchangers installed in each dwelling that retains heat inside the house and lighting of public areas with energy-saving lamps and motion sensors, which will significantly save energy.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: greenevolution.ru/2016/08/03/v-parfino-vveli-v-ekspluataciyu-energoeffektivnyj-dom/