Interesting facts about the person
Learned many new things about themselves and about others:-), I advise you to read to the end!
Hauchnoe name navel - umbilikus
A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, drank half a cup of tar per year
Man - the only representative of the animal world, the ability to draw straight lines
The length of the hair on his head, grow an average person in their lifetime - 725 kilometers
We blond beard grows faster than brunettes ...
When you smile at the person "working" 17 muscles
Each finger man bent over the lifetime of about 25 million times
The total weight of bacteria living in the human body is 2 kilograms
The surface area of human lungs is approximately equal to the area of a tennis court
In psychiatry syndrome accompanied by depersonalization, impaired perception of time and space, their own body and the environment, officially (!) Called "Alice in Wonderland»
The human eye can distinguish 10 million colors
Papafobiya - is the fear of the Pope (Rome)!
In the human spine 33 or 34 vertebrae
The strongest muscle in the human body - the language
The human body contains as much fat as necessary for the production of 7 bars of soap
Hauchnoe name navel - umbilikus
A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, drank half a cup of tar per year
Man - the only representative of the animal world, the ability to draw straight lines
The length of the hair on his head, grow an average person in their lifetime - 725 kilometers
We blond beard grows faster than brunettes ...
When you smile at the person "working" 17 muscles
Each finger man bent over the lifetime of about 25 million times
The total weight of bacteria living in the human body is 2 kilograms
The surface area of human lungs is approximately equal to the area of a tennis court
In psychiatry syndrome accompanied by depersonalization, impaired perception of time and space, their own body and the environment, officially (!) Called "Alice in Wonderland»
The human eye can distinguish 10 million colors
Papafobiya - is the fear of the Pope (Rome)!
In the human spine 33 or 34 vertebrae
The strongest muscle in the human body - the language
The human body contains as much fat as necessary for the production of 7 bars of soap