How to live in peace with your brain, if you are student
The brain is studied in biology — usually it's just one lesson within the General heading of "Nervous system". However, the brain deserves more attention — because without the tool by which the performance of our mind, all there would be no science. And it would not be a hobby, entertainment, dreams, memories, friendship, love and creativity.
This body is dedicated to the book by the neurobiologist dick Swaab "You are your brain: Everything you wanted to know about your brain."
The book is written in easy, devoid of pathos and adult mentor tone, and very funny shape. It consists of email correspondence: brother and sister Yale and Jonica who make an oral presentation on the brain, asking dick Swaab to help in the preparation. Contrary to the expectations of a teenager-the reader ("now, of course, the Professor will gladly agree"), the scientist refuses the brother and sister, doing nothing more than to help with homework. Then enterprising students hinted that they knew where his car and promise to report that Professor incorrectly parked. Under penalty of dick Swaab begins the story.
The information stored in the cerebellum, is here to stay. So we swim and ride a bike automatically.
Clear answers to these questions are rarely in adults, and Teens, who often find it difficult to understand what was happening to him, such information is especially useful.
"Light at the end of the tunnel", which is not familiar with each other people see in near-death condition really exists. This effect arises from the fact that the blood supply of the eyeball is disturbed and suffers from peripheral vision. From the book of duck Swaba you can learn how the brain learns new information during the study. Between nerve cells are the new connections — synapses. The more you repeat something, the stronger the "posting". Sad memories leave us more reluctant than joyful, and continue to hurt for a long time. So the brain tries to protect us from repeating past mistakes: don't stay out in that situation again! Production of hormones affects our gender behavior and preferences to change something here as hard as willpower to change eating habits.
Life hacks for your brain
When I read that your brain is a biological computer, I want to find "life hacks" to get it under control and become a sort of superhero. So is it possible to control your brain?
Instructions how to trick your brain and make it do something for us in the book not to find. Because the brain is what we have. Lessons still have to learn to form the proper number of synapses; sad memories will not pass from what we understand the cause of their resistance, and to love Brussels sprouts, if you don't love her, and will not work. However, some simple tricks available to us.
"You are your brain" is a useful work for students, in-depth learning biology, but also for anyone interested in how we understand the world.
Also interesting: the Secret of school success: why do some children learn good and some bad
How to interest the student of natural Sciences
It follows from this that many life choices stem from our innate tendencies. This will help to understand, for example why the proposed parents "perspective and reliable" specialty does not cause any emotions, and I want something completely different.published
Author: Alice Zagradska
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: newtonew.com/overview/you-and-your-brain
This body is dedicated to the book by the neurobiologist dick Swaab "You are your brain: Everything you wanted to know about your brain."

The book is written in easy, devoid of pathos and adult mentor tone, and very funny shape. It consists of email correspondence: brother and sister Yale and Jonica who make an oral presentation on the brain, asking dick Swaab to help in the preparation. Contrary to the expectations of a teenager-the reader ("now, of course, the Professor will gladly agree"), the scientist refuses the brother and sister, doing nothing more than to help with homework. Then enterprising students hinted that they knew where his car and promise to report that Professor incorrectly parked. Under penalty of dick Swaab begins the story.
The information stored in the cerebellum, is here to stay. So we swim and ride a bike automatically.
- Why is one better given sport, and the other math?
- How does our memory?
- How are addiction and bad habits?
- Why we prefer certain partners?
- What factors determine our behavior in communicating with others?
- How the brain makes the decision for us and can rely on him?
Clear answers to these questions are rarely in adults, and Teens, who often find it difficult to understand what was happening to him, such information is especially useful.
"Light at the end of the tunnel", which is not familiar with each other people see in near-death condition really exists. This effect arises from the fact that the blood supply of the eyeball is disturbed and suffers from peripheral vision. From the book of duck Swaba you can learn how the brain learns new information during the study. Between nerve cells are the new connections — synapses. The more you repeat something, the stronger the "posting". Sad memories leave us more reluctant than joyful, and continue to hurt for a long time. So the brain tries to protect us from repeating past mistakes: don't stay out in that situation again! Production of hormones affects our gender behavior and preferences to change something here as hard as willpower to change eating habits.
Life hacks for your brain

When I read that your brain is a biological computer, I want to find "life hacks" to get it under control and become a sort of superhero. So is it possible to control your brain?
Instructions how to trick your brain and make it do something for us in the book not to find. Because the brain is what we have. Lessons still have to learn to form the proper number of synapses; sad memories will not pass from what we understand the cause of their resistance, and to love Brussels sprouts, if you don't love her, and will not work. However, some simple tricks available to us.
- Oddly enough, to feel empathy and positive emotions towards other people, just to start. Try some time to be with other gentle and kind. A mind produces oxytocin — the hormone responsible for warm relationship and closeness.
- To well something to learn, sleep. During sleep the brain called the hippocampus retrieves memories out and sends it into long term memory. So the brain gets rid of unnecessary information and frees space for new.
"You are your brain" is a useful work for students, in-depth learning biology, but also for anyone interested in how we understand the world.
Also interesting: the Secret of school success: why do some children learn good and some bad
How to interest the student of natural Sciences
It follows from this that many life choices stem from our innate tendencies. This will help to understand, for example why the proposed parents "perspective and reliable" specialty does not cause any emotions, and I want something completely different.published
Author: Alice Zagradska
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: newtonew.com/overview/you-and-your-brain
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