If the care: how to react
If you come into the family, the staff of the authorities, the police, or the Commission on Affairs of minors, remember that you have a number of legal rights, which are important to know.
1. Never open the door without knowing who's behind the door. Besides discipline and children.
2. If you say that came from care or the Commission on minors ' Affairs or the police and other bodies, the door it is better not to open if you are not ready for such a visit or if you are home alone or alone with children.
That means a willingness to visit care or the police in case of possible removal of children?
You must be with an adequate witness — husband, friend-friend, a lawyer. You must have the recorder or the camera.
You must have order at home, children have their beds, toys, clean clothing, food and stock food in the fridge, the relative order in the cabinets. But the children must stay in the hotel.
Politely ask the names and job titles of employees at the door ask to be moved and agree with you on the date and time of the visit by phone.
3. No matter was you in the apartment or take it off. In the apartment the police or the Commission from bodies of guardianship may pass only in two cases: if you do allow them, or they show a court decision or a warrant signed by the Prosecutor.
If such a document is, you must articulate its inception, before you decide to open. And even in this case, you can always say that approaching a lawyer or your representative. No matter if you will perform this role adequately, the neighbor is much better than you are one or one and a lot of them and they want to take the child/children.
4. If you decide to let the care staff follow the child, hold his hand or on hand or give to someone you help. The child can pick up unexpectedly. Unfortunately, there are such cases.
5. Carefully check before being admitted into the apartment of the identity of employees, record them for yourself or take a photo and documents (acts, orders, etc.) about a visit to your family, especially the reasons of the visit. Make a right on the stairs, photos of all documents. If it is not possible to photograph in detail and slowly rewrite all the data of the documents presented.
Anyway, you have the unconditional right to take pictures, make audio and video recordings, as employees — at work, and you their privacy is not violated. And you have the right to inform you, your lawyer asked to withdraw for him, yet he could not come personally.
But employees are not entitled to film or record you without your consent.
6. If you've already let employees ask them to take off their shoes without fail, the door entrance, close to the key, outerwear also ask to remove — as you have children and cleanliness is observed. This is important for many reasons — so you care have children, find themselves in the role of master of the situation and prevent the possibility sharply to escape with the child for employees.
7. In the apartment, it is important to monitor each logged-FIHM don't let pass in the room without your support. We can say that a lawyer has warned that the inspection of rooms and living conditions takes place only with the host.
For all the assurances that your lawyer illiterate idiot, agree, "Yes, but I believe him."
On all possible threats do not react – just write them on tape for your lawyer)
8. Discard trips with the child to the hospital if his health is all right — it is more difficult to control the situation. Tell me, what will bring a doctor's note tomorrow. Really quietly visit a doctor and visit him when it's convenient.
9. Don't sign anything, even the act of inspection of the apartment. Let, sign it in the presence of his lawyer, and he, just now, to drive can. If necessary, study this act later, in a more relaxed atmosphere.
It is important to know that under the Family code the guardianship has the right to take the children only under direct threat to life or health:
"Article 77. The child is under the imminent threat of a child's life or health
1. With the imminent threat of a child's life or health, the guardianship and guardianship body has the right to remove the child immediately from the parents (one of them) or other persons in charge which he is.
Immediate removal of the child produced by the body of guardianship and guardianship on the basis of the act of the Executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation or act of the head of the municipality ...".
Author: Arina Intercession
The formation of the feminine: let the girl be a Princess!
4 things that are not useful in children: the view of the mom
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: apokrov.ru/pravo/stati/260-esli-prishla-opeka-kak-pravilno-reagirovat

1. Never open the door without knowing who's behind the door. Besides discipline and children.
2. If you say that came from care or the Commission on minors ' Affairs or the police and other bodies, the door it is better not to open if you are not ready for such a visit or if you are home alone or alone with children.
That means a willingness to visit care or the police in case of possible removal of children?
You must be with an adequate witness — husband, friend-friend, a lawyer. You must have the recorder or the camera.
You must have order at home, children have their beds, toys, clean clothing, food and stock food in the fridge, the relative order in the cabinets. But the children must stay in the hotel.
- If all of the above are in order, and you can open.
- If not, it seems, you are ready to visit care etc. employees.
Politely ask the names and job titles of employees at the door ask to be moved and agree with you on the date and time of the visit by phone.
3. No matter was you in the apartment or take it off. In the apartment the police or the Commission from bodies of guardianship may pass only in two cases: if you do allow them, or they show a court decision or a warrant signed by the Prosecutor.
If such a document is, you must articulate its inception, before you decide to open. And even in this case, you can always say that approaching a lawyer or your representative. No matter if you will perform this role adequately, the neighbor is much better than you are one or one and a lot of them and they want to take the child/children.
4. If you decide to let the care staff follow the child, hold his hand or on hand or give to someone you help. The child can pick up unexpectedly. Unfortunately, there are such cases.
5. Carefully check before being admitted into the apartment of the identity of employees, record them for yourself or take a photo and documents (acts, orders, etc.) about a visit to your family, especially the reasons of the visit. Make a right on the stairs, photos of all documents. If it is not possible to photograph in detail and slowly rewrite all the data of the documents presented.
Anyway, you have the unconditional right to take pictures, make audio and video recordings, as employees — at work, and you their privacy is not violated. And you have the right to inform you, your lawyer asked to withdraw for him, yet he could not come personally.
But employees are not entitled to film or record you without your consent.
6. If you've already let employees ask them to take off their shoes without fail, the door entrance, close to the key, outerwear also ask to remove — as you have children and cleanliness is observed. This is important for many reasons — so you care have children, find themselves in the role of master of the situation and prevent the possibility sharply to escape with the child for employees.
7. In the apartment, it is important to monitor each logged-FIHM don't let pass in the room without your support. We can say that a lawyer has warned that the inspection of rooms and living conditions takes place only with the host.
For all the assurances that your lawyer illiterate idiot, agree, "Yes, but I believe him."
On all possible threats do not react – just write them on tape for your lawyer)
8. Discard trips with the child to the hospital if his health is all right — it is more difficult to control the situation. Tell me, what will bring a doctor's note tomorrow. Really quietly visit a doctor and visit him when it's convenient.
9. Don't sign anything, even the act of inspection of the apartment. Let, sign it in the presence of his lawyer, and he, just now, to drive can. If necessary, study this act later, in a more relaxed atmosphere.
It is important to know that under the Family code the guardianship has the right to take the children only under direct threat to life or health:
"Article 77. The child is under the imminent threat of a child's life or health
1. With the imminent threat of a child's life or health, the guardianship and guardianship body has the right to remove the child immediately from the parents (one of them) or other persons in charge which he is.
Immediate removal of the child produced by the body of guardianship and guardianship on the basis of the act of the Executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation or act of the head of the municipality ...".
- If you notice that the care staff or the police do not show you the documents, communicate impolite, pressure, etc. violations, write the application in Prosecutor's office after their visit.
- If children tried to take away or taken away, tell friends and family, write in social networks a short and clear text, asking aid and a census.
- You can also contact our Center. Our lawyers have the necessary experience and will try to help you.published
Author: Arina Intercession
The formation of the feminine: let the girl be a Princess!
4 things that are not useful in children: the view of the mom
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: apokrov.ru/pravo/stati/260-esli-prishla-opeka-kak-pravilno-reagirovat