Siberian scientists have created an energy efficient heating system
Sawdust, straw and wood chips — that's all it will take for the residents of country houses for heating their homes. Resource-saving system, developed by scientists of the Siberian Federal University, allows to produce heat and energy from different waste wood.
Scientists say that plant capacity is enough for heating of country houses, cottages, agricultural and industrial premises. In itself, the energy production of their wood waste not new, but the project leader, candidate of technical Sciences Mikhail Chernetskiy said that uniqueness is the cheap conversion of biofuel into heat and electricity at the original and efficient scheme. The installation consists of several parts: gasifier, heat exchangers, cleaning system, internal combustion engine and electric generator.
"Our plant is a new absolutely Autonomous way of getting cheap electricity and heat. The boiler is designed for the mass market and are very useful for heating of cottages and country houses," — said the postgraduate student, Siberian Federal University Viktor Kuznetsov.
In the chamber the fuel is converted into a gas that enters the heat exchanger. There's heat given to the heating system. In the second stage is cleaning of gas from impurities — the cooled gas is supplied to the internal combustion engine, and that, in turn, rotates the generator that produces energy. published
Source: green-city.su/sibirskie-uchyonye-sozdali-energoeffektivnuyu-otopitelnuyu-sistemu/
Scientists say that plant capacity is enough for heating of country houses, cottages, agricultural and industrial premises. In itself, the energy production of their wood waste not new, but the project leader, candidate of technical Sciences Mikhail Chernetskiy said that uniqueness is the cheap conversion of biofuel into heat and electricity at the original and efficient scheme. The installation consists of several parts: gasifier, heat exchangers, cleaning system, internal combustion engine and electric generator.
"Our plant is a new absolutely Autonomous way of getting cheap electricity and heat. The boiler is designed for the mass market and are very useful for heating of cottages and country houses," — said the postgraduate student, Siberian Federal University Viktor Kuznetsov.
In the chamber the fuel is converted into a gas that enters the heat exchanger. There's heat given to the heating system. In the second stage is cleaning of gas from impurities — the cooled gas is supplied to the internal combustion engine, and that, in turn, rotates the generator that produces energy. published
Source: green-city.su/sibirskie-uchyonye-sozdali-energoeffektivnuyu-otopitelnuyu-sistemu/