2 basic options to do to your child
Every parent has 2 basic options to do to your child. First, when we see that the child has "shortcomings". Shortcomings that need to be corrected. For example, we notice that the child is naturally shy and prefers not to engage in conflict, compliant, not fighting. The nature of the child is. Non-contentious. Gradually, the parent, are inclined to compare your child with other children, begins to seem that his child something not so.
He begins to think that he is weak (especially if a boy) that cannot fight back, cannot defend their interests. The parent begins to worry, to criticize it for such behavior, encourage to Express themselves differently. May even lead to a psychologist, who will likely be trying to treat the child, instilling in him the qualities of a "normal" child.
After all, we all love heroes, strong, able to fight, when necessary, to fight back, to stand up for themselves. What will the average parent do with this child? Right, try to FIX the CHILD THAT is NOT SO! That is, declare against its disadvantages: giving the sports of Taekwondo or karate, for example, will constantly remind him of how to behave. If a boy, be a man. If you are a girl say it is not to be mumbled, to be able to fend for themselves, because "mum and dad won't be around forever".
What will grow from such child? Answer – people who believe that with it something not so that to be yourself is wrong, that his personality is not a personality that the world will not accept him as he is! It will grow into a mediocrity that will sit for hours in the office, hated the work and feel in my soul that life does not bring him satisfaction. And the funny thing is that to defend himself he'll never learn! Confident – will not. Despite the millions of words they heard from their parents about how to be.
The second option is different. To focus all their attention on the strengths of the child! Ask yourself not "what do you need to fix in my child? what is missing?", and "what is great in my child that I may further amplify?". For example, there is the same child who is shy by nature. He's a hundred times no need to run and play war games with other children, but he loves to talk and ask difficult questions. Yes, hard to answer, but what the gratitude of a child if you tell him! Or he likes to be creative, sitting quietly in his room, so to provide him with opportunities for creativity, not cut for being "not man's business deals"!
Or not it is interested in Boxing, wants to dance. Or do not like noisy excursions, and wants to stay home. Yes, not "like normal kids", but in accordance with his nature. What do the parents of the second type? THEY WILL ACCEPT IT. Accept the child for what he is, turned the mirror and will not look at his shortcomings, and his dignity!
Will not conform to templates and gostowski standards of the child and try to find him in his individual capacity, from which, above all, enjoy the child. Say, "You can be yourself and it's great! We are always with you." What will grow from such child? A man who knows that with him everything is in order. The world is beautiful and ready to take it for what it is, that he is this world.
Why sick kids: pediatric psychosomatics
What to say to a child, he grew up a happy person
It will grow into a man, able to find interest in life, passion, and to become outstanding in their passion, be it writing, Boxing, physics, or ballet. Millions of words of support parents had told him, strengthen his faith and help him become what he must become.published
Author: Gulnaz Sagindikova
Source: www.facebook.com/gulnaz.sagitdinova/posts/1107877919305390
He begins to think that he is weak (especially if a boy) that cannot fight back, cannot defend their interests. The parent begins to worry, to criticize it for such behavior, encourage to Express themselves differently. May even lead to a psychologist, who will likely be trying to treat the child, instilling in him the qualities of a "normal" child.

After all, we all love heroes, strong, able to fight, when necessary, to fight back, to stand up for themselves. What will the average parent do with this child? Right, try to FIX the CHILD THAT is NOT SO! That is, declare against its disadvantages: giving the sports of Taekwondo or karate, for example, will constantly remind him of how to behave. If a boy, be a man. If you are a girl say it is not to be mumbled, to be able to fend for themselves, because "mum and dad won't be around forever".
What will grow from such child? Answer – people who believe that with it something not so that to be yourself is wrong, that his personality is not a personality that the world will not accept him as he is! It will grow into a mediocrity that will sit for hours in the office, hated the work and feel in my soul that life does not bring him satisfaction. And the funny thing is that to defend himself he'll never learn! Confident – will not. Despite the millions of words they heard from their parents about how to be.
The second option is different. To focus all their attention on the strengths of the child! Ask yourself not "what do you need to fix in my child? what is missing?", and "what is great in my child that I may further amplify?". For example, there is the same child who is shy by nature. He's a hundred times no need to run and play war games with other children, but he loves to talk and ask difficult questions. Yes, hard to answer, but what the gratitude of a child if you tell him! Or he likes to be creative, sitting quietly in his room, so to provide him with opportunities for creativity, not cut for being "not man's business deals"!
Or not it is interested in Boxing, wants to dance. Or do not like noisy excursions, and wants to stay home. Yes, not "like normal kids", but in accordance with his nature. What do the parents of the second type? THEY WILL ACCEPT IT. Accept the child for what he is, turned the mirror and will not look at his shortcomings, and his dignity!
Will not conform to templates and gostowski standards of the child and try to find him in his individual capacity, from which, above all, enjoy the child. Say, "You can be yourself and it's great! We are always with you." What will grow from such child? A man who knows that with him everything is in order. The world is beautiful and ready to take it for what it is, that he is this world.
Why sick kids: pediatric psychosomatics
What to say to a child, he grew up a happy person
It will grow into a man, able to find interest in life, passion, and to become outstanding in their passion, be it writing, Boxing, physics, or ballet. Millions of words of support parents had told him, strengthen his faith and help him become what he must become.published
Author: Gulnaz Sagindikova
Source: www.facebook.com/gulnaz.sagitdinova/posts/1107877919305390