Bandits of the early 20th century. Part 2
After the first part of an ongoing topic of criminals early 20th century from the police archives of the city of Sydney.
It is Hazel McGuinness.
And that her mother Ada.
July 26, 1929 Hazel McGuinness, together with her mother Ada McGuiness was arrested for possession of cocaine in substantial quantities. During the arrest of Hell he threw a bag with cocaine daughter shouted, "Run, Hazel!". Detectives Hazel defended in court, arguing that the crime drew her mother, whom they described as "the most evil woman in Sydney».
Aiden Feutrill, May 4, 1920
This mischievous boy intruder and a thief. In the 20th, he was 16 years old. After serving in the 20th of this period, the man continued criminal career and 28mu, he was again arrested. By that time he already had a bunch of names: Arthur Feutrill, Francis Brown, Reg Dawson, Angus Makkrinnon. In 1928, he was charged with robbery and "that it is often noticed in the house frequented by the alleged thieves».
Albert Sing, March 31 1922
Albert Sing was sentenced to 18 months' hard labor for buying stolen goods (including pens, cutlery and clothes).
Albert Stewart Warnkin and Adolf Gustave Beutler, October 18, 1920
These two vampire accused of attempted rape eight girls.
Alfred Fitch, in August 1924
Alfred Fitch was hijacker machines.
Vera Crichton, February 21, 1924
Nancy Cowman, February 21, 1924
The two pretty ladies - aferistki. And Nancy at the time of detention was 19, a little more than the Faith. They were accused of fraud in which a woman suffered.
William Stanley Moore, May 1, 1925
William Stanley Moore - drug dealers. Selling opium.
Faye Watson, in March 1928
Faye had illegally cocaine. What did she do with him - or herself sniffing traded, is not known. Beautiful. "You could have the happiness of any man.» © Sharapov
January 25, 1928, C Smith, Joseph Bezzina, William J Williamson, Aiden Feutrill, George Hodder, William Thorson
January 25, 1928, B Smith, Gertrude Thompson and Vera McDonald
These two photos were apparently taken after a police operation on 74, Riley Street, headed by Chef Bill McKay. It was then arrested 15 people who were brought numerous charges. Joe Bezzina was charged that he owns the house frequented by the alleged thieves, some were charged with assault, and that had been to this hangout.
Barbara Turner, in October 1921
Barbara Turner (aka Tierney, she Tiernan, she Taylor, aka Florence Gillespie) was a thief on trust, and worked in Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane and Perth from the 1890s until the 1920s, and possibly further. This photo was taken at the time of his arrest for being deceived nobody Henry Plakingsa in Sydney. She received a year in prison.
Emma Rolf in April 1920
Emma Rolf (she Mauger, she Mulholland, she Sybil White, aka Jeanne Harris, aka Eileen Mulholland) had multiple convictions for the period 1919-1920 for theft of jewelry and clothing (silk blouses, kimono and scarves, antiques, etc. .d). I stole it in different buildings around the Kensington and Randwick, and urban stores. Then she will be re-arrested on 5 December 1934 for the theft of valuable furs and silks from shops. Whenever arrest Emma persistently denied any involvement in the crimes.
It is Hazel McGuinness.

And that her mother Ada.

July 26, 1929 Hazel McGuinness, together with her mother Ada McGuiness was arrested for possession of cocaine in substantial quantities. During the arrest of Hell he threw a bag with cocaine daughter shouted, "Run, Hazel!". Detectives Hazel defended in court, arguing that the crime drew her mother, whom they described as "the most evil woman in Sydney».
Aiden Feutrill, May 4, 1920

This mischievous boy intruder and a thief. In the 20th, he was 16 years old. After serving in the 20th of this period, the man continued criminal career and 28mu, he was again arrested. By that time he already had a bunch of names: Arthur Feutrill, Francis Brown, Reg Dawson, Angus Makkrinnon. In 1928, he was charged with robbery and "that it is often noticed in the house frequented by the alleged thieves».
Albert Sing, March 31 1922

Albert Sing was sentenced to 18 months' hard labor for buying stolen goods (including pens, cutlery and clothes).
Albert Stewart Warnkin and Adolf Gustave Beutler, October 18, 1920

These two vampire accused of attempted rape eight girls.
Alfred Fitch, in August 1924

Alfred Fitch was hijacker machines.
Vera Crichton, February 21, 1924

Nancy Cowman, February 21, 1924

The two pretty ladies - aferistki. And Nancy at the time of detention was 19, a little more than the Faith. They were accused of fraud in which a woman suffered.
William Stanley Moore, May 1, 1925

William Stanley Moore - drug dealers. Selling opium.
Faye Watson, in March 1928

Faye had illegally cocaine. What did she do with him - or herself sniffing traded, is not known. Beautiful. "You could have the happiness of any man.» © Sharapov
January 25, 1928, C Smith, Joseph Bezzina, William J Williamson, Aiden Feutrill, George Hodder, William Thorson

January 25, 1928, B Smith, Gertrude Thompson and Vera McDonald

These two photos were apparently taken after a police operation on 74, Riley Street, headed by Chef Bill McKay. It was then arrested 15 people who were brought numerous charges. Joe Bezzina was charged that he owns the house frequented by the alleged thieves, some were charged with assault, and that had been to this hangout.
Barbara Turner, in October 1921

Barbara Turner (aka Tierney, she Tiernan, she Taylor, aka Florence Gillespie) was a thief on trust, and worked in Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane and Perth from the 1890s until the 1920s, and possibly further. This photo was taken at the time of his arrest for being deceived nobody Henry Plakingsa in Sydney. She received a year in prison.
Emma Rolf in April 1920

Emma Rolf (she Mauger, she Mulholland, she Sybil White, aka Jeanne Harris, aka Eileen Mulholland) had multiple convictions for the period 1919-1920 for theft of jewelry and clothing (silk blouses, kimono and scarves, antiques, etc. .d). I stole it in different buildings around the Kensington and Randwick, and urban stores. Then she will be re-arrested on 5 December 1934 for the theft of valuable furs and silks from shops. Whenever arrest Emma persistently denied any involvement in the crimes.