Here's how I managed to grow long hair: helped only 1 effective component!
Many girls in the struggle for long hair spend large amounts of money on different shampoos, masks, serums, lotions and sprays. Unfortunately, most of them give short-term results. Finally in desperation, women resort to salon procedures, increasing artificial hair.
Alas, this procedure also gives long lasting result: hair extensions hold for a few months. Today we offer to your attention the recipe of homemade hair productsthat will not only help to grow a long mane and will also rid you of dandruff.
Homemade shampoo for growth of volocity to cook this effective tool, you must mix baking soda with water in a ratio of 1: 3. It is best to use for this purpose a plastic bottle. The mixture should be applied on damp hair, moving from roots to the tips.
You must then leave the facility to act for 2-3 minutes. To wash away the shampoo, use warm decoction of chamomile. To achieve the maximum result at the end of the procedure rinse hair with a mixture of water and Apple cider vinegar in the ratio 1: 4. To do this procedure 1 time a week.
Engaged in the restoration of their hair and share healing recipe natural shampoo with your friends!
Alas, this procedure also gives long lasting result: hair extensions hold for a few months. Today we offer to your attention the recipe of homemade hair productsthat will not only help to grow a long mane and will also rid you of dandruff.
Homemade shampoo for growth of volocity to cook this effective tool, you must mix baking soda with water in a ratio of 1: 3. It is best to use for this purpose a plastic bottle. The mixture should be applied on damp hair, moving from roots to the tips.
You must then leave the facility to act for 2-3 minutes. To wash away the shampoo, use warm decoction of chamomile. To achieve the maximum result at the end of the procedure rinse hair with a mixture of water and Apple cider vinegar in the ratio 1: 4. To do this procedure 1 time a week.
Engaged in the restoration of their hair and share healing recipe natural shampoo with your friends!
Metabolism nothing to do with it
Now the tights and socks are not torn! I helped a effective method...