A false start
Inna Yarova
It happens, inaudible words...
And mirrors heaven in the spring is transparent.
But I cast lots of luck,
It sprouting, like a sleep-grass.
The salinity of water... at least the warmth of the Gulf stream
Melt the ice of Greenland will not soon.
You're blind and deaf, he is sleeping your Eternal City,
I am living in it with no prospects.
The nodes on memory crumples in verse,
Inertia – as the continuation of happiness...
The moire vows – bracelets on her wrists,
On the cloud and on the seven winds.
Not to think and not to sink in the past
And, no matter how beautiful "retro style",
Hosanna to lay down hundreds of kilometers,
Carefully covering your path wing...
I know you will appreciate the drama
Sorry to disrupt the direction –
Spring spleen... or rather foolish,
Born a distant sketch.

It happens, inaudible words...
And mirrors heaven in the spring is transparent.
But I cast lots of luck,
It sprouting, like a sleep-grass.
The salinity of water... at least the warmth of the Gulf stream
Melt the ice of Greenland will not soon.
You're blind and deaf, he is sleeping your Eternal City,
I am living in it with no prospects.
The nodes on memory crumples in verse,
Inertia – as the continuation of happiness...
The moire vows – bracelets on her wrists,
On the cloud and on the seven winds.
Not to think and not to sink in the past
And, no matter how beautiful "retro style",
Hosanna to lay down hundreds of kilometers,
Carefully covering your path wing...
I know you will appreciate the drama
Sorry to disrupt the direction –
Spring spleen... or rather foolish,
Born a distant sketch.
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