Home Stain Remover: a simple but effective recipe from available ingredients.
Many housewives know firsthand how difficult it is to get rid of stains juice, herbs, red wine, blood ... Of course, you can spend a certain amount of money at the store means of spots, but it is much more economical to make a safe and effective home stain remover .
How to get rid of the stains on the cooking odezhdeDlya environmentally friendly means from spots need simple ingredients and very little patience. And things will look like new again!
Ingredients liquid dishwashing detergent baking soda hydrogen peroxide ul >
Preparation mix dishwashing detergent with peroxide in a ratio of 1:. 2 Add to the mix 1 tbsp. l. < ash , make a paste. If the agent came out with liquid, add a little soda. Apply the paste on a dry cloth and the front and on the reverse side, a little rub. The most convenient way to do this with the help of an old toothbrush. Leave things for an hour, then wash in a suitable tissue type mode. The residual paste is stored in a tightly closed container.
This tool will help to get rid of not only the stains on clothing, it also effectively combats mold on different surfaces and with a touch on the tiles. Tell me this great news friends!

How to get rid of the stains on the cooking odezhdeDlya environmentally friendly means from spots need simple ingredients and very little patience. And things will look like new again!

Ingredients liquid dishwashing detergent baking soda hydrogen peroxide ul >
Preparation mix dishwashing detergent with peroxide in a ratio of 1:. 2 Add to the mix 1 tbsp. l. < ash , make a paste. If the agent came out with liquid, add a little soda. Apply the paste on a dry cloth and the front and on the reverse side, a little rub. The most convenient way to do this with the help of an old toothbrush. Leave things for an hour, then wash in a suitable tissue type mode. The residual paste is stored in a tightly closed container.
This tool will help to get rid of not only the stains on clothing, it also effectively combats mold on different surfaces and with a touch on the tiles. Tell me this great news friends!
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