Shichko methods and algorithms of the brain during sleep

In computer science and programming is widely used sequencing data structure called "stack" (from the English "stack" - the stack). Adding and removing data elements in the stack is carried out only at one end, called the top of the stack.
Thus, the data elements entering the stack, it is extracted from the so-called principle of LIFO ( «Last In - First Out», «The visitor leaves the first last"). This process is similar to the analysis of the stack of coins: coins, put in a stack of the first to be taken out of it last. It is clear that the coin will be taken first, the last position in the stack, because it is at the top.
The study method Shichko [1] for the release of tobacco and alcohol and other addictions suggests that the brain uses a particular order of processing stored information per day. This process can be modeled using algorithms and structures used to write computer programs.
As we know from the work of Gennady Andreyevich Shichko and practical results of the use of his method [2], human suggestibility peaks in predsonnom state. Given that the information obtained by the person before going to bed at the moment is for him a most recent and up to date, it would be logical assumption that the highest priority queue for processing have the data that were obtained close to bedtime. This is because of how quickly and accurately updated information is processed may depend on the individual's health or even life. For example, for a person who was on a desert island without food and water, the search for food is the most urgent and vital. If that person lie down to sleep, the mental resources of his brain will be directed primarily to address the issue search of food and water, rather than the solution to the problem of the mortgage loan.
Thus, it can be assumed that the processing of information blocks is performed by the human brain works on the principle of the stack: the brain primarily starts with the information that it has received last. The information to which a person has to work against the desired bedtime is perceived as a very important and requires a speedy analysis. It was with her and begins the process of intensive work of the brain. Data blocks received for processing one after another, starting with the most advanced of learned man and ending with the earliest. In this case, information that the brain has previously worked, continue to be processed. And entering the following information is used to supplement the presentation of the current situation with new information and experience. This can be compared with the process, reverse the principle of the painting: first drawn foreground objects on which you want to make the main focus, and then - the background layers to them.
Thus, the duration of the brain information is proportional to its novelty (relevance). For example, many people, especially students, are well aware of the situation when, after an active mental work and going to bed at night with the unsolved problem they started dreaming related dreams. Sometimes asleep just before waking up, being in a dream, even able to grasp that their brain at this moment continues to solve a problem that they went to bed. And how quickly and easily solve complex problems after a good sleep, they know everything. It reads and known folk wisdom: "The morning is wiser than evening."
In favor of the principle of stacking the night of the human brain is the fact that the sleeping person experiencing external influences, often perceives them as dreams. For example, people sleeping in the winter at the open window, could have dreamed that he was in the street without outerwear. At this time, the stack is placed in the brain a new element of the ambient temperature of the environment, which is in force
their first priority (urgency) will be immediately sent for processing and used to complement the current picture of the environment.
It should be noted that people have long understood the importance of what information goes to the brain before going to bed. That is why children to read good night stories. On their own tales do not contribute to an early sleep. On the contrary, an interesting tale I want to listen to the end. Reading before bed is a popular method Shichko prototype, the purpose of application of which in this situation - a suggestion to the younger generation of the moral foundations of life and moral behavior patterns. As the saying goes: "Fairy Tale - a lie, so it hint, good fellows a lesson." Presenting before bedtime and rich food for thought, a fairy tale night promotes active work of the brain and, as a consequence, the development of mental abilities of the child.
It should be noted that the principle of stacking the brain processes the received information the day can be used for good as well as harm. Creative example of its use is the method Shichko that allows to get rid of any bad habits: the man before bedtime systematically analyzes have occurred during the day situations and prescribes the installation for the elimination of certain harmful habit. As a result of these steps, the first priority for processing received information associated with getting rid of a bad habit.
Situations where the principle of stacking the night of the brain will lead to devastating results, a person watching TV before going to bed. Since the modern Russian television is an instrument of information terrorism [1], and shows mainly TV shows and movies destructive content, when you view them in the viewer's brain will be a stack of bricks laid destructive data. But some people do have a tendency to fall asleep in front of TV screens. Particularly harmful is the influence of television on the younger generation, which has a habit of staying up late to linger in front of screens of televisions and computers.
In this regard, it is necessary to protect themselves and their loved ones from the information that carries a devastating effect on the psyche. In the evening should only work with the information a positive direction, as it is with her brain will begin the night work. In addition, a positive effect on the psyche will work on a method Shichko with creative settings.
Author: AN Pushkarev
Editor: AI Bazhenov
1. Drozdov IV Gennady Shichko and his method. - L .: 1991. - 160 p.
2. YA Sokolov Choose Life! (Sobriety, health, life). - SPb .: "Diamant" Ltd, OOO "Golden Age", 1996. - 400 p.
3. Language approval and save Sobriety [electronic resource]: the site of the Tyumen city public organization approval and save Sobriety "Sober Tyumen.".
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