How much does education in different universities of the world

Higher education received abroad, at all times recognized standard and was the dream of millions of students around the world.
We wording Website have decided to find out how much they cost in the world famous alma mater for foreign students, and are happy to share this information with you *.
* The average cost of training per year for undergraduate system

For more information about studying in the university, see here.

All the information on the official website of the University.

All the details about training can be found here.

More information - the official site

. All the details about studying in the university, you can find here.

All necessary information can be found on the official website of the University.

Details can be found here.

All the information for applicants on this site.

Education at the Sorbonne - is free, but you must pay annual registration fees. Read more here.

More information about the training you can read here.

Education in state universities in Germany for foreign students free of charge. For information on registration fees can be found here.
Czech Republic

Details about the training in one of the oldest universities in Europe, you will find on this site.

All the necessary information on the official website of the University.

All the details about studying in the university, see here.

Details can be found here.

All information about studying at the University of online.
Photos on the preview fotomem, VladimirDrozdin
See also:
What students read around the world in the classroom literature
30 countries with the highest IQ
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-puteshestviya/30-stran-s-samym-vysokim-iq-1279665/