8 good habits, for which your skin will tell you "thank you"

beautiful, healthy skin - one of the first and the main features of a well-groomed girl. And here in the fight against the imperfections using an arsenal of cosmetic products: all kinds of peels, creams, lotions, masks and scrubs. However cherished tubes and jars do not always give the long-awaited result. What could be wrong?
< Website gathered for you some simple but effective rules of skin care products that will help you to always look great.
Wipe the phone screen special cleaning cloths

Ever noticed at a nasty rash on the cheeks? Maybe its cause - the mobile phone. Modern research has proven that these devaysakh contains ten times more bacteria than a toilet seat. To all these hordes of microbes not removed on your face, take it a rule to wipe the phone screen cleaning paper.
Regularly wash your makeup brushes

Brushes for make-up if used improperly can cause the appearance of the skin irritation, acne and other troubles. To prevent this, brush, sponzhiki, applicators and other devices for makeup should be regularly washed. For this perfect routine antibacterial wipes, and can use a delicate detergent such as shampoo or soft foam cleanser for deep cleaning.
Monitor your diet

Sweet, fat and excess food are the enemies of good leather. Everybody knows it. However, many for some reason forget that the other extreme and harmful. Hard foods such restrictions are now popular mono-diet - a direct path to the dry, wrinkled and "tired" skin. Keep this in mind and make sure that along with the "bad" foods from your diet does not care and the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Not overuse scrubs

Scrub with abrasive particles actually make the skin smooth and fresh, but the abuse of such agents may increase the risk of inflammation. Holders of the problem and dry skin by scrubs should be abandoned and replaced by soft eksfoliiruyuschimi lotions, and those who have oily skin, use a scrub only once a week.
Apply on face cream before and after swimming in the pool

Chlorinated water is very dry skin, leaving it dull and less elastic. To minimize the negative impact of chlorine, the pool before a visit to apply on face nourishing cream, after thoroughly wash and use moisturizers.
Take a shower immediately after exercising
Showers in the gym may not be the most comfortable place in the world, but clogged pores, black spots and pimples that appear, if time does not wash off the sweat is definitely worse. Do not be lazy to take bath accessories to the gym and to bathe immediately after you have finished training.
Watch out for signals that your body sends

Rash or irritation, dry skin, swelling - all of these cosmetic defects can be signs of more serious problems in the body. Watch out for such signals, which are sent to you by your body, and try to respond to them in a timely manner.
Avoid excessively hot shower

Too hot water destroys the thin fat layer, which protects the skin and retains moisture in it. The habit of boiling water to wash, so that can lead to premature wrinkles, dryness and sagging. Remember this and discard the hot shower in favor of water at room temperature.
Based on materials from Marie Claire
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