If there is such a little gum in your house, throw them immediately!
Who would have thought that the beautiful bracelets rezinochek , which are so fond of children, can be so harmful. Fever weaving crafts cute seized schools and kindergartens, but also with a fascinating hendmeydom children came a hazardous material!
The creative development of the child - an important point in education. The problem is that many of the goods for children's creativity have too high a cost. As a result, the market there are cheap imitations from China, it is unpredictable in its composition ...
rezinochkami for bracelets Set plaiting rubber bracelets, made in China, with a probability of 50% may be fake and contain formaldehyde. The toxin causes various allergic reactions and may cause tumors. It also negatively affects the nervous and visual systems.
Weakness and lethargy - the least feel a child is in constant contact with the hazardous substance. Kids love to wear these ornaments woven, not removing. Effects of interaction with formaldehyde may become apparent over the years: the child internal organs are easily influenced by chemistry, and in the future, problems will not be gathered with health
! Better to buy a proven product, which is sold at certified stores. So you protect the child from the obvious danger! Today's children are often susceptible to allergies and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and all because of contact with a huge number of harmful substances on a daily basis ...
Do not forget to tell your friends about this article! Especially those who have kids.
The creative development of the child - an important point in education. The problem is that many of the goods for children's creativity have too high a cost. As a result, the market there are cheap imitations from China, it is unpredictable in its composition ...

rezinochkami for bracelets Set plaiting rubber bracelets, made in China, with a probability of 50% may be fake and contain formaldehyde. The toxin causes various allergic reactions and may cause tumors. It also negatively affects the nervous and visual systems.
Weakness and lethargy - the least feel a child is in constant contact with the hazardous substance. Kids love to wear these ornaments woven, not removing. Effects of interaction with formaldehyde may become apparent over the years: the child internal organs are easily influenced by chemistry, and in the future, problems will not be gathered with health
! Better to buy a proven product, which is sold at certified stores. So you protect the child from the obvious danger! Today's children are often susceptible to allergies and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and all because of contact with a huge number of harmful substances on a daily basis ...
Do not forget to tell your friends about this article! Especially those who have kids.
Mini muffins on a dry frying pan: the air inside, an excellent base for sandwiches!
Keep the mask on the basis of "Panthenol" 2 times a week and you will see what will happen!