How to use candles from honeycombs in magic?

Candles from the honeycombs are one of the most effective for the rites and rituals. Especially well they work for clarification, improvement, success and beauty. These candles are charged with positive energy. They usually have a yellow, slightly orangish hue, but there may be other colors - from yellow to green
Features candles from honeycombs
. Wax - is a material 100% consisting of natural wax. Magic candles from honeycombs do not look as beautiful as paraffin and burn faster, but they are much healthier. When burning paraffin emit harmful substances - benzene and toluene. A natural wax, burning, allocates volatile, which not only does not harm, but also bring a lot of benefits - to stimulate the immune system and have antiseptic qualities
Magic rituals with candles from honeycombs
candles from honeycombs by. HappyWitch.ru store are great for magic rituals. They are usually made by hand, so saturate the positive energy of the human hand. It is best to use candles from honeycombs with herbs, it will strengthen the effect of magic, combining the power of herbs and candles energy.
The choice of herbs depends on the purpose for which the ritual will be carried out:.
- Candles with mint and St. John's wort helps get rid of nightmares and gaining peace of mind
- Wormwood with thistle will protect from the evil eye and spoilage.
- Horse chestnut and clover help to find success in all cases.
- Orange peel and lily will provide not only a pleasant aroma, but also the location chosen.
- Calendula with wormwood helps to look to the future.
- Candles with clover and mint help to improve well-being.
- Sage and dandelion help fulfill the desire.
It is also possible to carry out the rituals with words written on the candles. To do this, take the candles thicker. Having written on the candle that from which you want to get rid of, you need to light it and meditate. It will set you on the fulfillment of desires and your actions will be more successful. To visualize the planned execution time of meditation. Continue the sessions until the magic spark of honeycombs not completely burn out. The inscription can be any, the main thing - to meditate every day
How to make a candle from the honeycombs
. You can buy ready-made candle from the honeycombs, and can try to make candles from honeycombs by hand. To do this, take a rectangular piece of honeycomb, the smaller side of which will be such that how long you want to make a candle. Most side defines the thickness of the candle. For example, a piece of honeycomb sorokasantimetrovy allows you to make a candle about three centimeters thick.
The wick should be imprinted in the edge of the sheet width, then slowly fold the sheet. After a couple of turns and take the grass with a brush distribute them over the surface of the remaining sheet. After that, you can tighten the spark plug to the end. The finished candle should be put on the table and align to its lower base was smooth. After that, the candle can be lit - this will increase the effect of the rituals there.
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