Scarf for those who do not like to be photographed

talented designer from New Delhi Saif Siddiqui (Saif Siddiqui) failed to fulfill the dream of many celebrities. He created a unique accessory - a scarf-invisibility. In the fabric from which it is made, coated nanosfericheskie crystals that reflect the flash. As a result, to see the person in the picture is almost impossible, but the scarf shines in all its splendor.
Team Website offers learn interesting details about the invention. And see who of famous people have tried this beautiful and useful thing.

In the photo you can see how it works. The second picture was taken with a flash, and all-around scarf covered with darkness.

One of the first owners of the scarf has become Paris Hilton. Quite strange to see her among those who do not wish to be recognized.

Irish actress and TV presenter Laura Whitmore scarf also to face.
His project is called Saif ISHU. It is a synthesis of words and issue shh, that can be interpreted as "a requirement of silence." On technology development it took 6 years. The idea arose when he was photographed near a motorcycle friends in Amsterdam.

"Reflector motorcycle spoiled my picture. But at that moment I thought that using this feature, you can create something interesting. »

American actor and singer Nick Jonas has appreciated this accessory.

Become invisible could also actor Jeremy Piven.

A popular British journalist Piers Morgan showed his colleagues how complicated is now their task. But most have to worry about the paparazzi, because the designer has actively supported the idea of actors, musicians and TV stars.

There are many different shades and patterns scarves invisible, and their price ranges in the redistribution of 263-383 dollars.

And in the designer line includes a tie and the novelty of the season - for iPhone

You learned another happy owner scarf ISHU? Yes, this is Cameron Diaz, who had gathered in the street and did not forget to grab a valuable accessory. And there is no doubt that he has not just rescue a charming actress.
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