Pollen (obnozhka) - a real natural pantry variety of biologically active substances and vitamins of plant and animal (bee) origin
. In pollen contains about 240 useful for the human body substances:
27 of them - trace elements, among which a lot of potassium, necessary for the body to maintain the heart muscle, as well as iron, copper, cobalt
. There are pollen and vital for human calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and iodine.
Pollen is rich in carotenoids (provitamin A), B vitamins, vitamins C, D, E, F, K, phytohormones, antibacterial substances.
Pollen is an excellent source of essential amino acids, which one should get from food. 10 of them are essential, ie can not be synthesized by the body.
According to the number and balance of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals pollen superior to most food products (meat, milk, eggs, fish, potatoes, cabbage, apples, etc.).
It is proved that when using only 10 g of pollen per day there is a pronounced toning, anti-aging, and at various ailments - healing effect
. It is known that pollen includes a rich set of biologically active substances, which act as biogenic stimulators. These substances are removed from the body toxins and salts of heavy metals, as well as have a radioprotective effect. This property pollen is especially valuable today, when the environment becomes less favorable for life.
The pollen found a number of enzymes (biological catalysts). Plays an important role in metabolic processes. Present in pollen routines provides for prevention of cardiovascular disease; it strengthens capillary walls, thereby improving cardiac function.
Pollen stimulates the growth and regeneration of damaged tissues, including liver tissue, which leads to the restoration of its functions, ie the pollen has a hepatoprotective effect.
Useful pollen and anemia: when it is receiving enhanced formation of red blood cells by 25-30%, and therefore the 15% increased hemoglobin and reduced leukocytosis
. Pollen:
- improves performance and endurance,
- strengthens the immune system,
- strengthens sexual potency (it can be taken for infertility associated with hormonal disorders in . women and the insufficient number of live sperm in men)
- has antibacterial properties, which activate the body against viruses and bacteria,
- normalizes activity of the nervous system, so the pollen is useful when:
- nervousness,
- insomnia,
- neurasthenia,
- depression,
- other neurological disorders, < normalizes the activity of the endocrine system, so it is useful for:
- adenoma of the thyroid gland,
- acromegaly,
- giperinsulizme,
- diabetes ,
- goiter endemic,
- normalizes intestinal activity,
- increases appetite,
- helps prolong youth,
- increases the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells (the use of pollen for 1-2 months leads to an increase in red blood cells by 25-30%, hemoglobin - 15%) ul>.
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