How to make a gorgeous swimming pool in the backyard. It's real!

How cool when outside your home has a private pool, which is so nice to dive after work or on weekends to swim freely. Perhaps it is about it, you have dreamed recently.
Well, the command Website in a hurry to fulfill your dreams and make offers pool-pond according to the instructions devised by one enterprising family.
We start, as always, with the marking. The rectangles denote the next pool, and a white line - it's the edge of the adjacent recreation area

With an excavator digging work will be much faster.

Pit ready. But it held the pipe to filter akvasooruzheniya.

Now you need to create a recess adjacent to the pond basin. This is best done by hand.

The next stage - covering recess insulating materials.

The bottom of the first coated geotextile.

And on top spread a waterproof film. The edges should be pressed by heavy objects, as in the case of bad weather things can be turned by the wind.

The house is set the swimming pool filtration system.

And now it's time to decorative work.

At the bottom is laid tile. To finish the edges, you can use a decorative brick.

Deepening the pond is filled with small pebbles. And fill the pool with water, and then a pond.

These results, of course, inspiring. But the creative team decided to achieve perfection.

To start the lighting was carried out on the edge of the pool. What a beautiful!

The pond is decorated with water plants and driftwood. It turns out very nicely. And, you can make a wooden deck around the pool.

At the heart - metal profile, and the top floor is made of wooden crates on which the board is fixed. It turns a luxurious multi-level terrace.

The works have been completed. And in front of us has a spectacular view.

Azure freshness beckons ... resist such temptation is simply impossible!

See also:
How to turn cluttered garage into a gym with a swimming pool
15 wonderful swimming pools, stretching out into infinity
In London, the pool will be built for the most daring
via www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/21l6te/we_made_a_swimming_pond/
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