Hyper-realistic paintings Emanuele Daskanio
On the part of all these portraits seem to be the usual photos, but you will not believe it's all the pictures of the Italian Emanuele Daskanio (Emanuele Dascanio).
Some wizard took him to 780 hours of working time, and this is not surprising, it is sufficient only to look at the stunning and realistic paintings of the artist. The pictures he paints using a mix of charcoal and graphite, while Emanuele covers details on the canvas with just a single light source, as it did in the Renaissance.
Incidentally, this is not just a coincidence, this technique of drawing Daskanio adopted from the ancient masters of the Renaissance, the Italian artist Gianluca Crown (Gianluca Corona). On the Technique Crown Emanuele added some of his unique style to create gorgeous hyper-realistic portraits that combine the classic with the contemporary.
Some wizard took him to 780 hours of working time, and this is not surprising, it is sufficient only to look at the stunning and realistic paintings of the artist. The pictures he paints using a mix of charcoal and graphite, while Emanuele covers details on the canvas with just a single light source, as it did in the Renaissance.
Incidentally, this is not just a coincidence, this technique of drawing Daskanio adopted from the ancient masters of the Renaissance, the Italian artist Gianluca Crown (Gianluca Corona). On the Technique Crown Emanuele added some of his unique style to create gorgeous hyper-realistic portraits that combine the classic with the contemporary.
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