10 incredible buildings that will soon see the world

Modern architecture becomes more and more fantastic every year. New projects are simply stagger the imagination. It is hard to imagine, but perhaps in a few decades we will live in the same futuristic world that has repeatedly shown in movies about the future.
As proof Website gathered building projects that are already under construction and is slowly but surely take us into a new era.
«Lakhta Center", St. Petersburg

This 87-storey skyscraper on the shore of the Gulf of Finland will be the official headquarters of "Gazprom oil". It is expected that the building will be the tallest in Europe, beating a Moscow skyscraper "Federation". The total area of the complex - 400 000 sq. m
Dubai Towers -. The Lagoons

The project team Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback & amp; Associates have completed the design of "Laguna" in Dubai (UAE) and soon Sands area of almost 5 square meters. km will be an exciting new giant complex combines waterways, ports, incredible scenery and new skyscrapers.
Scale Tower, Zhuhai (China)

At the intersection of two rivers, the 100-meter high viewing platform will be built in the Chinese city of Zhuhai. Turn it to the spiral Tower reminds outlines the body of fish, and the facade, like scales, covered with panels of perforated aluminum.
«Dancing Dragons", Seoul

"Dancing Dragons" - this is the last of 15 architectural projects currently running in Ensane, Seoul's business quarter. It will consist of two towers of 88 and 77 floors, exterior finish which will resemble the scales of a dragon. In fact, each scale - this window
Endless City, London

One of the most unusual and "natural" skyscrapers planned to be built in London. The levels of a skyscraper will be formed due to the peculiar ramps located around the hollow atrium. And most importantly, there will be a lot of green areas and parks - a sort of new Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Infinite house. Sydney

So the future will look like home. New luxury house with expensive restaurants under the name "Infinity" is based in Sydney.
Spiral Europe, Brussels

Specialists from the Italian Office MADEOFFICE project "European spiral" for Brussels was designed. Location and name are symbolic, because in this city is the headquarters of the European Union. The project aims to demonstrate the communication and cultural values of the countries of the European community.
hotel complex City of dreams, Macao (China)

The new 40-storey five-star hotel in the Chinese city of Macau (China) is a project of the legends of the architectural world - the architect Zaha Hadid. This is a case where only the name of the creator says that this will be one of the most impressive buildings in the world.
Bionic Tower "Lava", Abu Dhabi

The design of this skyscraper is designed not only architects, but also by biologists: in collaboration, they relied on the principles of the structure of trees and their protective mechanisms
Bionic. city, Shanghai

After 15 years in China to build the city-tower, where they will live 100 000 people. The unique structure, created under the laws of bionic architecture, able to resist fire, floods, earthquakes and hurricanes - a sort of Noah's Ark of our time. Invulnerability city skyscraper ensured by the fact that its structure borrowed from cypress, his green part consists of small scaly membranes, through which passes all the wind power, and he did not budge; its root system is extremely ramified, try to knock down or uprooted cypress - require tremendous efforts
. Preview: lakhta.center / l-a-v-a.net
via www.l-a-v-a.net/projects/bionic-tower/
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