Charming chicken Monique makes a world tour with his friend, a Frenchman

Guirec Court, 24-year-old Frenchman from Brittany, his life dreamed of a world tour. He prepared for it seriously, stocking outfit for all occasions. In particular, the Court took a chicken - as a source of fresh eggs and, if necessary, and meat. But, in the end, the chicken, which received the name of Monique, has become a real friend and companion for him. According to the Court, the best friend in the world tour and you can not wish!
As expected traveler, Monique regularly carries 6 fresh eggs per week. Well, except for when traveling chicken has learned to swim, ride the surf, hold firmly to the paws while pitching, and was an excellent listener, the conversation which Guirec happy to while away the days on board the yacht.
Website publishes a photo-story about the adventures Guirec and Monique.
Monique happy awash with Guirec

Photo source: Fishki.netPonachalu while pitching traveler was afraid that the chicken will not be able to stay on his feet while pitching

but Monique quickly learned to move on the moving deck with the agility of a seasoned sailor

Chicken quickly adjust to the inconveniences of life on board, and soon felt the yacht is not worse than in your own chicken coop

Bay ship ropes - the not roost?

Recently, the Court was born a new project: he wrote a series of children's books about his world tour in the company of chicken. With the support of Monique course

Guirec and Monique set sail on his journey from the Canary Islands in 2014 has 14,098,048
First they went to the Caribbean

Who yacht Court moored off the west coast of Greenland. Travelers waiting for finally come ice

Even arctic cold does not scare brave chicken

In Monique clearly awake love of adventure

Proviant downloaded? Better check!

Well, what I'm not a royal penguin?

Each Robinson - on Fridays!

via fishki.net/1985731-francuz--sovershaet-krugosvetku-v-kompanii-kuricy.html
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