15 star moms looking their children the same age
They are beautiful and famous for their children are young and talented, and together they look almost like the same age! What is the secret of their beauty? < Website publishes a photo of a young-looking mothers-stars and their grown children.
© Roger Karnbad • Photo source: You-journal.ruRiz Witherspoon
Vera Brezhnev
Victoria Beckham
Cindy Crawford
Victoria Lopyreva
Kate Beckinsale
Leslie Mann
Uma Thurman
Susan Sarandon
Vanessa Paradis
Demi Moore
Renata Litvinova
Christina Aguilera
via you-journal.ru/humor/foto/15-zvyozdnyx-mam-kotorye-vyglyadyat-kak-rovesnicy-svoix-detej
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