In Norway, you can no longer cut down trees. No tree, hear!

The production of many products in the world, directly or indirectly associated with the destruction of tropical forests - that objects made of wood, and food with palm oil. Especially significantly affected forests of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua - New Guinea - painful to look at many kilometers bald spots once been green wet houses for hundreds of species of living
. The Government of Norway More will not buy products associated with tree felling
Over the past few years, a number of companies have already stopped procurement of such goods, but still it was not backed up by similar commitments from the government.
And so it happened. < Norway will be the first country in the world , to completely abandon the goods for the production of which tropical forests are destroyed. Now will be presented stringent requirements for public procurement in order to protect the forests of the planet.
Norway Fund and urged other countries to do the same, in particular, the UK and Germany.
After all, contribute to the conservation of forests around the world - it is important for all the people, and let it be a small step, but the step in the right direction
via adme.ru