He put gum on the damaged screw. This brilliant trick is useful to everyone!
Anyone who has made repairs in the apartment, faced with this problem: the screw closely drawn to the surface, and the slot (slot on the head of the fastener, which is inserted into the end of a screwdriver) derailed tightly. Accordingly, to unscrew a screw problematic. This occurs most often with faces under the Phillips screwdriver
You can try to unscrew the screw with pliers, but it does not always help. If drilled cap, the screw may remain permanently in the material body.
But do not despair, unscrew the screw with torn edges is possible. Few people know about this ingenious trick, but it really works! Even a woman can easily handle. Be sure to take into service the idea, because the screws are at the brink of break at the most inopportune moment.
How to unscrew the screw
Pick rubber gasket on the size of the screw head. You can use plain rubber band that pulls the bill. Substitute it by a screwdriver or screwdriver and unscrews the screw. We hope this simple way to ease your life. Do not forget to share with your friends!
You can try to unscrew the screw with pliers, but it does not always help. If drilled cap, the screw may remain permanently in the material body.
But do not despair, unscrew the screw with torn edges is possible. Few people know about this ingenious trick, but it really works! Even a woman can easily handle. Be sure to take into service the idea, because the screws are at the brink of break at the most inopportune moment.
How to unscrew the screw
Pick rubber gasket on the size of the screw head. You can use plain rubber band that pulls the bill. Substitute it by a screwdriver or screwdriver and unscrews the screw. We hope this simple way to ease your life. Do not forget to share with your friends!
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