How to get rid of blackheads: cleaning with a toothbrush.
Notorious black spots on his nose and face - not that other, as the clogged sebum sebaceous ducts. And they are black because they are not protected by the top of the skin, which collects dust, remnants of cosmetics, the particles of the epidermis ...
Black dots (comedones) on the face is not any deviation from the norm and can occur in people of all ages, regardless of gender. But mostly they are subject to those who have skin prone to fat and has enlarged pores. Most often, comedones appear where the skin is most zhirneet: nose, forehead, chin
. By themselves, the black dots, in addition to its unaesthetic, harm not carry. Problems arise when they start to become inflamed in contact in a sealed time of infection. Therefore, from the black dots need to get rid of time and on a regular basis, preferably not too aggressive methods, so as not to traumatize the skin.
Revision «Website» has found a way to painlessly get rid of black spots, which will also help narrow the pores on your face, reduce excessive oiliness of the skin and prevent the formation of acne
Tooth brush against black dots Before you begin the process of cleansing blocked pores , boil for 5 minutes. soft toothbrush. Above the basin or pan to steam the face, you can use a decoction of herbs: chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, peppermint. This aromatherapy would be superfluous for the general well-being. A small amount of toothpaste apply on the problem areas of the face. Hold as pasta about 5 min., Then with light circular movements massage the skin with a brush.
It is important to bear in mind that the cleaning procedures of the epidermis is not for every toothpaste. Choose a product that does not contain large abrasive particles, and menthol in a large amount, because the latter can cause skin rash in allergic. Wash the paste with warm water, wipe the face with a cleansing tonic. You can alternate peeling toothpaste with oil massage
Regular and timely cleansing of makeup residue, dust, sebaceous secretion, as well as well-chosen care will prevent clogging of pores and will save from such nuisance as pimples and inflammation.
Also pay attention to your diet: fried, spicy and fatty foods unnecessarily increase the secretion of sebum. As the saying goes, prevention - the best treatment
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Black dots (comedones) on the face is not any deviation from the norm and can occur in people of all ages, regardless of gender. But mostly they are subject to those who have skin prone to fat and has enlarged pores. Most often, comedones appear where the skin is most zhirneet: nose, forehead, chin
. By themselves, the black dots, in addition to its unaesthetic, harm not carry. Problems arise when they start to become inflamed in contact in a sealed time of infection. Therefore, from the black dots need to get rid of time and on a regular basis, preferably not too aggressive methods, so as not to traumatize the skin.
Revision «Website» has found a way to painlessly get rid of black spots, which will also help narrow the pores on your face, reduce excessive oiliness of the skin and prevent the formation of acne
Tooth brush against black dots Before you begin the process of cleansing blocked pores , boil for 5 minutes. soft toothbrush. Above the basin or pan to steam the face, you can use a decoction of herbs: chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, peppermint. This aromatherapy would be superfluous for the general well-being. A small amount of toothpaste apply on the problem areas of the face. Hold as pasta about 5 min., Then with light circular movements massage the skin with a brush.
It is important to bear in mind that the cleaning procedures of the epidermis is not for every toothpaste. Choose a product that does not contain large abrasive particles, and menthol in a large amount, because the latter can cause skin rash in allergic. Wash the paste with warm water, wipe the face with a cleansing tonic. You can alternate peeling toothpaste with oil massage
Regular and timely cleansing of makeup residue, dust, sebaceous secretion, as well as well-chosen care will prevent clogging of pores and will save from such nuisance as pimples and inflammation.
Also pay attention to your diet: fried, spicy and fatty foods unnecessarily increase the secretion of sebum. As the saying goes, prevention - the best treatment
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