Happily live not forbid ... 15 wise counsel of centenarians!
Have you noticed how some used to be depressed? "Life - it is torture," "Do not change" ... Such phrases can be heard almost every day! In the edition of «Website» work optimists , so we can prove that living is easy!
And help us in this Tips happy centenarians ... If you read various interviews with centenary people, it can be a pleasant conclusion: the love of life - that's the power that always helps
! And how they disagree
Rules happy life stoletnih
Do not look at the calendar: each new day - it is a holiday ! Never give up! Difficult times come at all, but you do not give up. Never! While you are young, a great trip. Even the smallest journey will give you a great experience Movement - that's the main secret youth Stay optimistic.! Negative thoughts only poison your body. Smile! They say laughter - the best medicine Be ready to change as pleasant and not so.. Life - not marking time Never too late to do what had not previously had the opportunity to engage Do not interfere in the affairs of others... Why do you unnecessary problems? Cutting his soul - and the world will seem less strange. always sets itself the goal and confidently go to it! Do not compare yourself with others. It's a waste of time. In your best interest to do everything possible to live in complete! You do not have to be happy all the time. The main thing - just to be content Age -. It is not a disease Once you realize that spent too much time on the experience of anything Life's too.. short to take it seriously!
It is necessary to listen to such advice, so as not to live in vain. Maybe once, and you'll share your Secrets of Longevity ?
Happy life is in your hands!
And help us in this Tips happy centenarians ... If you read various interviews with centenary people, it can be a pleasant conclusion: the love of life - that's the power that always helps
! And how they disagree
Rules happy life stoletnih

Do not look at the calendar: each new day - it is a holiday ! Never give up! Difficult times come at all, but you do not give up. Never! While you are young, a great trip. Even the smallest journey will give you a great experience Movement - that's the main secret youth Stay optimistic.! Negative thoughts only poison your body. Smile! They say laughter - the best medicine Be ready to change as pleasant and not so.. Life - not marking time Never too late to do what had not previously had the opportunity to engage Do not interfere in the affairs of others... Why do you unnecessary problems? Cutting his soul - and the world will seem less strange. always sets itself the goal and confidently go to it! Do not compare yourself with others. It's a waste of time. In your best interest to do everything possible to live in complete! You do not have to be happy all the time. The main thing - just to be content Age -. It is not a disease Once you realize that spent too much time on the experience of anything Life's too.. short to take it seriously!
It is necessary to listen to such advice, so as not to live in vain. Maybe once, and you'll share your Secrets of Longevity ?
Happy life is in your hands!
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