Upon learning this, you are no longer going to warm up the engine! A more expensive ...
After reading this information, I got rid of the habit of warming up the car in the winter before going. Of course, sitting nicely at the car much nicer ... but the engine is causing irreparable harm
Steven Kyatti -. Dragreyser former, the owner of a doctorate in engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He studied internal combustion engines for 26 years! The conclusion, which made professional, impressed many drivers.
Do I need to warm up dvigatelEsli motor running and the car stands still, frozen oil can not at the right time to get into the pistons and cylinders. The consequences are very sad: the increased load on the parts causes them to wear out quickly, as a result of car breaks down more often ... When the friction units operate without lubrication, the risk of failure is very high
. How should do if the cold outside? < Do warm up the engine? It is necessary to start the car, wait for about a minute and quietly move in a way, first slowly enough. Pushing on the gas pedal should be smooth in order to facilitate the work of the machine.
< warm engine temperature can reach the level of 80 degrees Celsius, but even when the engine temperature is 4 degrees, it has become easier to work . By using this advice, you will save on fuel: not heated engine spends 12% more fuel than normal! Now you do not have to warm it for so long.
Just think how many people are in a terrible delusion! The need to warm up the car was when they were carbureted engines. Now such cars already do, because this action makes no sense ...
Tell your friends this valuable advice, follow it, you can avoid serious vehicle damage!
Steven Kyatti -. Dragreyser former, the owner of a doctorate in engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He studied internal combustion engines for 26 years! The conclusion, which made professional, impressed many drivers.

Do I need to warm up dvigatelEsli motor running and the car stands still, frozen oil can not at the right time to get into the pistons and cylinders. The consequences are very sad: the increased load on the parts causes them to wear out quickly, as a result of car breaks down more often ... When the friction units operate without lubrication, the risk of failure is very high
. How should do if the cold outside? < Do warm up the engine? It is necessary to start the car, wait for about a minute and quietly move in a way, first slowly enough. Pushing on the gas pedal should be smooth in order to facilitate the work of the machine.
< warm engine temperature can reach the level of 80 degrees Celsius, but even when the engine temperature is 4 degrees, it has become easier to work . By using this advice, you will save on fuel: not heated engine spends 12% more fuel than normal! Now you do not have to warm it for so long.
Just think how many people are in a terrible delusion! The need to warm up the car was when they were carbureted engines. Now such cars already do, because this action makes no sense ...
Tell your friends this valuable advice, follow it, you can avoid serious vehicle damage!
After trying to make such a manicure, will you repeat it often! Fantastic…
In order to do this thing, he had to glue the plastic spoon to a bottle. My wife was thrilled!